Although such things as the Arab Spring that erupted a few years ago and the 2014 rise of the Islamic State were regarded as sudden, shocking events, they appear to have been part of a 20-year plan by Al-Qaeda for worldwide Islamic Caliphate.
This 7-step plan appeared in the book “Al-Zarqawi: Al-Qaida’s Second Generation,” by Fouad Hussein, a Jordanian journalist who obtained his information spending prison time with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other Al-Qaeda leaders.
The information Hussein attained must have been very accurate as this 7-step plan is right on track. And, currently we find ourselves at step 5.
This immensely prophetic book also states that during step 6, which ranges from 2016-2020, we will see ‘total confrontation’ after the caliphate has been ‘declared’. It is then that the “Islamic army” will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” culminating in their victory by 2020.
He will.also attack and INVADE the ” glory land;, = Israel and occupy the city of Jerusalem wet his fights Wil: ::”” ravish the women; = MASSRAPING JEWISH FEMALES AND LOOT THE BUSINESSES
Then he gets alarmed for WAR ships comming coming from.. the NORTH ( Russian? NATO? ) get involved and he goes out of Jerusalem and does between the shore of the med sea and the: :holy mountain;;
After that comes some thing nobody can know exepy those who read biblical prophecy about this time voncrninh the whole middle east
Luke 22:36….
This is what’s next after the leader of ISIS has dird= Michael the protector of his pl ( israel) shall STANZD UP and will.defennd Israel he will.”” Seek to destrey all those nations who. Made war against israel
From.that time for e wards an heavenly POWER will end the time of man .wre man is ruling OVER man to their OWN injury
And an truly NEW world order gets SET UP .aftt THIS one got eliminated
Daniel 10:36 til.daniel 12 and behind the Last of Daniel’s prophecirs
Read and learn.