The United States comes in second to last among the world’s top earning nations regarding child poverty, according to a 2013 report by UNICEF.
Over 20% of America’s children are on food stamps and the US child poverty rate, which is the percent of children living in households with incomes below 50 percent of the national average, is 23.1 percent. Only Romania is worse at 23.6 percent
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“For Obama so loved the poor, that he made millions more.”
Hey dipshit, believe what you want, but the fact remains that the republicans cut the food stamp program that help ed to feed the poor, not obama
trying to turn America into an ethiopiun country of starving kids and women and letting these muslim bastards into america
over 200 laws lead by and passed by the democrats to help the poor and 4 laws lead by and passed by the republican were taken off the books we would have around 3% in poverty and the middle class would be the biggest and fastest grow part of america cliaming some 70% and the new upper middle class would be back agian taking some 25% of the population. with the minimum wage being some where around $15 to $18 an hour. a high dollar pair of jeans would cost around $35. get government out of the way and make them small then we the people can make our living.
Don’t worry, he’s at a fundraiser, he’s going to take care of this
This is what the Democratic Party THRIVES on!
Oh no? Obama said everyone has it better because of him! Might that make him a LIAR once again?
While the Obama’s spent millions of tax payers money just screwing around!
I sure believe it!
Proud of that number Obama?