The United States comes in second to last among the world’s top earning nations regarding child poverty, according to a 2013 report by UNICEF.
Over 20% of America’s children are on food stamps and the US child poverty rate, which is the percent of children living in households with incomes below 50 percent of the national average, is 23.1 percent. Only Romania is worse at 23.6 percent
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Stop Obama’s agenda. Impeach Obama now.
I cannot argue with you there. Aside from Obama’s executive actions, Republicans have given Obama everything he asked for. Paul Ryan has to go. That is why
Donald Trump is resonating with the voters. We are tired of these Washington elites, both Democrats and Republicans, ignoring the plight of regular Americans. There’s something to be said for term limits.
it has been going up ever since 1963 when Johnson said he would manipulate those black into voting for the “DEMOCRAT PARTY” for the hext 200 years. seems to be working to me don’t you think?
Where is our communist media
We need to bring jobs AMERICAN jobs ack to,our cities
USA will bankrupt like Greece without Trump
The World has the same problem as USA … dirty politicians
Mr. Trump wakes up people around the World
***Mr. Trump is the only and the most bold,forceful, courage leader of the world nowadays… People around the world are looking for such a great courage Trump to clean their countries .. but it is not easy … It is very very rare … It happens only in USA
Mr. Trump is the only hope to solve this problem: Democrat/Obama/Socialist buy million more voters during the past 7 years,…. by easy citizenship/ID/Education, Obama care, extra welfare, free college, free housing, easy gay/sex/drug, Home affordable Health affordable/ Reverse Mortgage … All of such program take money from tax payers to bail out banks, insurance firms …. and cause national debt increased …
Do not underestimate Dems evil … they are real socialists with The End justify the Mean…
trying to make america like kenya
Obama just doin his thang making America GHETTO FABULOUS!
Liberals don’t give a hoot for the poor or black people.
Well done $#%&!@*