The United States comes in second to last among the world’s top earning nations regarding child poverty, according to a 2013 report by UNICEF.
Over 20% of America’s children are on food stamps and the US child poverty rate, which is the percent of children living in households with incomes below 50 percent of the national average, is 23.1 percent. Only Romania is worse at 23.6 percent
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That is the socialist agenda. Put them down so low that the only way they can better themselves is by government $#%&!@*istance
Yes we can.
Had enough yet America?
Statistics show more democrats and liberals are on welfare.As compared to republican Coservitives.
Cause the parents have no incentive to improve their lives. Too easy to just keep your hand out!
So let’s give a big hand to those who voted for this phony in the top office of our land. Maybe they are satisfied with a phone like his.
Obama leads fro behind !’
So you didn’t think that was going to happen come on people you’re finally figuring out what United States should be vote the right way