The United States comes in second to last among the world’s top earning nations regarding child poverty, according to a 2013 report by UNICEF.
Over 20% of America’s children are on food stamps and the US child poverty rate, which is the percent of children living in households with incomes below 50 percent of the national average, is 23.1 percent. Only Romania is worse at 23.6 percent
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You BUILT THAT, Obama!
It’s a shame, and these are the people that trust it and think it’s doing such a great job, Under killery, hitlery, hellery or whatever you call it it will only get worse, if thats even possible.
We need to help our own – not give everything to the people that hate America .
B******t. Obama don’t care about anything except his muslims. Anybody that would believe Obama’s$#%&!@*is seriously brain dead. That would be the liberals.
But illegals dont live in poverty
yep so lets support the illegals terrorists muslims who hate us – why not – its not like our American Children could use these funds for food shelter medical dental and maybe some fun stuff – please
ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTERS find them make them vote for AMERICA
Does this come as a surprise to anyone?
Send them to OBAMA he thinks everyone is living great under his Presidency. The only ones who are is the Muslins.
And so was I as a child I guess that does not count !!!!!!!!!!!!!