The United States comes in second to last among the world’s top earning nations regarding child poverty, according to a 2013 report by UNICEF.
Over 20% of America’s children are on food stamps and the US child poverty rate, which is the percent of children living in households with incomes below 50 percent of the national average, is 23.1 percent. Only Romania is worse at 23.6 percent
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…and yet we have money for illegal aliens!
Thanks democrats
So sad.
I think you have to be black or a Muslim to get all of This? I’m an older disabled white woman with a teenage son w autism. We live on $12,000 a year- Period! No housing, foodstamps,tanf,nothing else? You have to know the “SECRET TRICKS” white people aren’t told. We live in a old rv hidden in a truck lot without plumbing or running water. Pay $400 a month for electric hook up. The rest goes to water,food,propane,phones,ect…
Yea so why isn’t the Black community raising Hell about Obozo bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslim Freeloaders here to be put on welfare and get new homes and free everything by their Uncle Obozo
John Davis and where are all these jobs you can get with that good education??
with all the welfare and is this still happening?
To increase poverty by getting more people on welfare, increase national debt, gun control so that people can’t defend themselves making it easier to have a police state, control what is taught in school, remove the belief in god, class warfare, this all happening to us! Poor people are easier to control because they are relying on the government to live
This is the democrats and obama doing.