Only this week, the Independent socialist senator from Vermont claimed that he is “not exactly a career politician.” Now, Sanders couldn’t have made this remark at a more embarrassing time: the 25th anniversary of him holding office.
Yes, a man who has spent a quarter of a century living on the taxpayer’s dime is claiming that he is not a politician for a living. Perhaps the socialist senator’s comment would have been understandable if he did some kind of non-government work, but that is not the case at all.
Such utterances by Sanders raise questions as to the judgement and decision-making abilities of a potential Sanders administration, which is a frightful possibility in 2016.
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What a bunch of fucking idiots
That is true….he slept thu most of it….lol
He’s tired.
career$#%&!@*? ? just trying to help..
Wow I laughed so hard I almost p**s myself! What a dumb$#%&!@*
Because to him, from his perspective and what he’s seen of other politicians, is that they pander to corporate lobbyists, they’re paid off to establish law for corporations with the goal of setting themselves higher in the food chain. He calls that a “career politician”. What he is saying, is he isn’t paid by the corporations of America, he is paid by the people of America and he will only accept payments from the people of America for a job he is actually doing which is standing up for the people of America, not the corporations. And all you sheep out there, Bernie doesn’t ask for “free”$#%&!@*from anyone. He asks for AFFORDABLE education, AFFORDABLE health care and AFFORDABLE housing, among other things. He wants things to be AFFORDABLE again for Americans. But some of you change that word affordable into free and complain about it, that’s a straw man argument.
ahhh you been one more than half my life asshat and i am 50 …………… lyin lyin lyin
He works off madd magazine
Maybe he will fix things by saying “zimbala zula!”