Only this week, the Independent socialist senator from Vermont claimed that he is “not exactly a career politician.” Now, Sanders couldn’t have made this remark at a more embarrassing time: the 25th anniversary of him holding office.
Yes, a man who has spent a quarter of a century living on the taxpayer’s dime is claiming that he is not a politician for a living. Perhaps the socialist senator’s comment would have been understandable if he did some kind of non-government work, but that is not the case at all.
Such utterances by Sanders raise questions as to the judgement and decision-making abilities of a potential Sanders administration, which is a frightful possibility in 2016.
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My husband says he sounds like the ant eater in the old cartoons. Now every time I hear him speak, I think of the ant eater. (I will Take you to Lunch! in my Belly!) haha
He is exactly a dipshit !
Delusional socialist fool.
neither is Barry so i think it doesnt matter anymore. go Trump!
hahahahahah yea right commie
He’s to loonie toon to be president
He’s a life long socialist.
But you are CRAZY
Stupid is as stupid does.
He would fit right old russia!!