With all that has been happening in Europe, suicidal Mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama saying they are willing to take even more refugees than what has been proposed by the administration.
They will level the playing field by letting Islamists level their cities.
Find out if your mayor signed the letter and should be recalled immediately on the next page:
SO CHICAGO’S mayor wants more Muslims? Seems he already had his hands full with all the crime in his city already. Why ask for more? When the Muslims take over, he’ll be either bowing down to them or running for his life.
Recall your mayor’s!!
Travis Wargo….everytime I read a stupid comment.like yours..I click on that idiots profile and sure enough…revenge of the fucking nerds look. I hate being stereotypical…but it is what it is. You talk as fucking stupid as you look. STFU Punk!
This is INSANE
Bunch of dumb son of a bitches they are
thats 18 that need to be removed from office.
There’s NO WAY our mayor would
Hey Travis get on a plane and go over there and help them over there if your so good of a person. They dont like the american way so they need to stay where there at
18 Mayors NEED to be put OUT of office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a joke…