There are plenty of fantastic reasons to be a conservative, but here are 15 women who may convince you, if you’re still on the fence!
Sure the left has an exciting array of female sociopaths to choose from, but women like Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Whoopi Goldberg, and Elizabeth Warren can’t match the women on the right presented in this slideshow. Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
Hello, everyone who still care about his/her ex, I never ever believed in spell until i met a man called prophet alafia, who helped me cast a spell that brought back my ex-lover who left me for another woman, His spells works beyond my imaginations and today, I am happily married with a kid and me and my [ex-lover] now husband are very happy more than ever before, what more can i say rather than to say thank you prophet alafia for been there for me, contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same, his email is (prophetalafia at gmail dot com)
Nothing SHOCKS ME about them as well as I can see that photo on my Mom’s page.
Amazing isn’t it?
who gives a$#%&!@*
Oklahoma. Hot.
Most work for Fox News
Christian…it’s still better than hearing Obama/Hillary talk!
Too bad Carrie Underwood underwood is a vegetarian
I would eat maple syrup off of carries$#%&!@*Any day of the week