Authentic Islam believes marriage is an offer you can’t refuse.
Members of the Takfiri Daesh group have executed more than a dozen women in Iraq’s embattled northern city of Mosul as they continue imposing strict Quranic Islam on a large scale in the areas under their control.
The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) spokesman in Mosul, Saeed Mamouzini, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria satellite television network that Daesh muslims killed 15 women in Ghazlani military base, which lies near the city and is located some 400 kilometers (248 miles) north of the capital, Baghdad, on Saturday after the victims refused to marry the militants. Read more on the next page.
Do you remember the $#%&!@*es? Where are they now?
The one true Living God will not allow this to continue forever. But what people fail to realize is God uses us to take care of situations as such. He expects us, as children of the Living God to use the common sense he gave us and to use the gifts he has given us. Weather earthly or gifts of The Holy Spirit. It’s about time we put on our armor. Ephesians 6:11-19.We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
they made the right decision,,
Death with the true values held to heart.
don’t blame them I would rather be dead tham marry one of those pigs
Yet amercas current regime love islam yet say conservatives are against women’s rights! W.T.F
No wonder they love goats so much! The women choose death before sleeping with them.
I am sure they smell like goat’s, never used a bar of soap, never brushed their teeth or change their filthy clothes!!!!!!!!!
I’d like to post some comments on an isis site. Anyone have it?
God expects us and gives us the authority as Christians to put a stop to such things. Even if it takes drastic measures such as countries at war. To each his own. Me, personally grow tired of seeing atrocities such as this.