“Why TV Is Sexier Than Ever” the title reads next to an image on 13-year-old actress Millie Bobbie Brown puckering up her lips for a seductive kiss.
Hollywood doesn’t seem to understand why there is a sexual abuse problem in their industry, nor why former child actors such as Corey Feldman speak out about the rumored presence of elite pedophile rings. In all reality, the answer might be right in front of us before our very eyes.
The uninhibited ‘everything goes’ culture completely dominates every sphere of modern day American society. We ingest the very injustices we so loathe on a daily basis, in every medium imaginable.
Just last week the popular liberal women’s’ rag, Cosmopolitan, ran an article sympathetically highlighting a middle-aged woman’s grief that her teenage daughters and husband were not on board with her carrying out a sexual relationship with her recently recovered long-lost biological brother.
Such sexual taboos are would become the norm if much of the Left has their druthers. The campaign to normalize pedophilia is well underway.
These are the things that make up the brave new world progressive liberals seek to create.
Continue to the next page to learn how Hollywood executives are grooming children to become role models for sexually deviant behaviors. The lists are shocking!
It’s a very saddening fact but everything you said it’s true and unfortunately the parents most of the time are no better then the pedophiles and sexual deviance that they trust their children to
She probably already has. One of the 14 year old boys from that series fired his agent, accusing him of sexual harassment or assault. I can’t remember the details now, but as Corey Feldman has said, they’re “surrounded by pedophiles in Hollywood! They’re like vultures!” !!
It’s the opposite…..BECAUSE so many celebrities are perverts, they promote and encourage this type of thing. It’s nothing new. It’s been happening for decades. We’re just becoming more aware of it because of social media.
She’s 13 back off
Julie, I agree 1 million percent with you. My post is sarcastic.
Lol! It CAN go both ways!!
Sarcasm is hard to detect on social media at times, and I tend to be a literal reader…
But…This also does tend to condition some of the masses to look at children differently, sadly.
I remember looking at teen magazines as a young girl and thinking it was awful at how they were sexualizing 12-14 year old girls with so much make up and provocative clothes.
I do believe there is an agenda to normalize pedi liability by making children seem much older than they are. :'(
Wow !!
Hollywood is a very sick place
This is the reason so many engage in sex at such a young age. She is cute, pretty, even beautiful but not sex you. Only perverts think that of a child.