Michael Bay’s 13 Hours is about the September 11th attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
It’s also about the October surprise of 2012 that should have derailed President Obama’s re-election.
The film depicts the Benghazi attacks based on accounts from witnesses and participants in the fighting, not from the reports of D.C. hacks and political operatives.
The actual event itself should have cost President Obama the 2012 election but a loyal staff and complicit media were on hand to lie their way through the months following the attack. Actually, it’s attacks plural because the jihadists came back to fight a few times.
Once news of the attack hit, team Obama knew they could not have a September 11th attack clouding up the airwaves so they concocted a story about an obscure YouTube video attacking Islam, of which there are many (no attacks based off of those videos) and ran with the narrative that middle-aged dudes with minor theatrical talent can paralyze a nation across the globe.
The only people who “believed” this farce was the press who were all too eager to bury the disaster of Obama’s foreign adventures in Libya.
Unfortunately, the truth about a bungled staff more worried about covering behinds than saving lives came out a few months too late after the election.
Then people started questioning “What took so long to send help?”
See the next page for details on 13 Hours and it’s brilliant narrative
Joe Vail More proof that serving does not make one any more intelligent. McCain is another example of a dumbfuck who “served”.
By the way, to side with and support the liar in chief and the inept and corrupt ex SoS makes you a liberal, not a republican you$#%&!@*
at the end of the day,,,its a movie,,,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
nothing will be done…..
Obama – Hillary = Scum; any questions???
It shows how bad Hillary Clinton is and what the news media is afraid to tell. Those who died deserve better as well as their families. Thanks for the men who delivered the storm even after being abandoned and fought the fight of a warrior. These men need the support of all Americans. Yes Hillary Clinton said “what difference does it make”. It means more than she will ever know. Yes and it does make a difference. We knew you lied from day one.
I’m so glad that the Americans, at least many now, are not scared anymore. Must be liberating, huh?
Better yet, let’s wake up and fix it
Arrest and jail Obama and Hillary guilty of TREASON for aiding and abetting our enemy in Benghazi. RIP shipmates..
Hillary said movie just a drama. She and Obama are the absolute worst people in history. Death is not drama. Send her to the middle East.