Michael Bay’s 13 Hours is about the September 11th attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
It’s also about the October surprise of 2012 that should have derailed President Obama’s re-election.
The film depicts the Benghazi attacks based on accounts from witnesses and participants in the fighting, not from the reports of D.C. hacks and political operatives.
The actual event itself should have cost President Obama the 2012 election but a loyal staff and complicit media were on hand to lie their way through the months following the attack. Actually, it’s attacks plural because the jihadists came back to fight a few times.
Once news of the attack hit, team Obama knew they could not have a September 11th attack clouding up the airwaves so they concocted a story about an obscure YouTube video attacking Islam, of which there are many (no attacks based off of those videos) and ran with the narrative that middle-aged dudes with minor theatrical talent can paralyze a nation across the globe.
The only people who “believed” this farce was the press who were all too eager to bury the disaster of Obama’s foreign adventures in Libya.
Unfortunately, the truth about a bungled staff more worried about covering behinds than saving lives came out a few months too late after the election.
Then people started questioning “What took so long to send help?”
See the next page for details on 13 Hours and it’s brilliant narrative
Audiences reject “13 Hours”: Big blow for the right’s desperate quest for Clinton’s Benghazi smoking gun — it’s just not there~ The film is basically a flop — and a letdown for conservatives hoping it would somehow take down Hillary Clinton.~ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha$#%&!@*sticks
Angel Toro If you proof is Snopes then I can see why you all can not find any Terrorist you all are useless .
After watching 13 hours last night and hearing the weeping around me I pray that we never forget those men and women (American soldiers) who are in harms way every minute of the day including law enforcement because of those who have no love or respect for human life. Lord may our leadership never again leave our own behind on any battlefield. We know that you lord were with those who were in Benghazi and those who died for freedoms theme. Please bless those who live with those memories and the loss of their loved ones. Let them know you were there and that they now are resting in your arms. Amen.
Forwarding: http://www.westernjournalism.com/exclusive-investigative-reports/the-mystery-of-barack-obama-continues/
No president has any right to hide his identity from we the people period. Ever!!!!!!
Is Barack Obama the biggest fraud every inflicted on this nation?
Is Obama illegally in our country?
And illegally in our White House?
If true, he has illegally spent trillions of our dollars and hundreds of illegal regulations and executive orders including thousands of illegal federal employees. High crimes and treason, sedition, subversion, espionage?
When do we the people find out the truth about this imposter?
No president has any right to hide his identity from we the people period. Ever!!!!!!
These involved in this coverup including his attorneys and staff should be held accountable for sedition and treason period.
-All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled “Barack Obama.” In some cases, the middle initial “H” is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names such as: “Barac,” “Barak,” and “Barrack” Obama, you would find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers.
Page 18 list every terrorist organization now illegally operating in our nation along with the fact that no Muslim has a right to be here period.
Darlene: you are making one big mistake: you are comparing these two horrible excuses for humans to yourself.
Michael Buchanan Snopes is not the Source, the source is the History and facts. “Kenya” being on map before 1964 is an easy one to trackdown. Nothing is that snopes article is hard to track down to the source. You are reaching.
Lina Rott Does he have a corner on the Name market? What does your post even mean?
Lina Rott WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Page 18 list every terrorist organization now illegally operating in our nation along with the fact that no Muslim has a right to be here period.” First of all page 18 is not a list of all the terrorist organizations in the U.S. Infact, it doesn’t even claim to be. 2nd, don’t you find it strange that even if it were (which it isn’t), that no Christian groups are mentioned? 3rd, you have no idea what you are talking about with Muslims not having a right to be here, they have just as much right as anyone else in a freedom of religion country. Guess you never read the Constitution. That stupid ridiculous post about Muslims being barred from Immigrating to the U.S was in now way true or accurate. The Immigration act at that time was for fighting Communism, it’s very clear about that. There is nowhere in that law Where Islam/Muslims are even mentioned. You don’t know what you are talking about and should try getting your info from a more viable sources.
Angel Toro, our Constitution does ban any group with intentions to overthrow the US government, ISLAM has made it clear that’s their intentions, we can and should monitor every Mosque and close any that advocate jihad or Shari’a. And it’s not bigotry when they actually want to kill you its self preservation.