image source: Dreamstime
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a different sort of media savvy and media celebrity than his political contenders. The Republican nominee is a firebrand and has ruffled feathers as he made his name in business and later, in the realm of entertainment, but he also has allies and supporters, including some you may not expect.
It’s true, “The Donald” doesn’t have the type of notoriety his opponent does, but that’s because he hasn’t been under felony investigation by the FBI.
Check out this slideshow of the entertainment celebrities who have come forward in support of Trump in an industry not known for supporting Republicans!
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
Not liberals awesome !!!
Sadly, the majority of “the people” have no interest in honesty. If they did, Obama wouldn’t be our president, he would have been impeached, and Killary would have found the bullet of a sniper endorsing her… Instead, you’ve got liberal douches voting for her & supporting her…
And honesty….? The media & congress push all these multimillionaire actors and actresses in your face hoping that THEIR FANS become HIS/HER constituents… And like the mindless zombie idolators that most Americans are…It works…
Please… Let a millionaire/ billionaire tell me what to value… Esp Clinton who hasn’t done an “honest” day’s work in all her corrupt life… Tell me how hard it is to support a working class family while you have 4 mansions, own jet planes, steal the people’s money, and wear $12,000 coats… And let them tell me what to think & who to like… Because they are the “elite” And oh, please let them tell me how much money they got paid (& by who) to stand there and tell you who to vote for & who not to vote for!!!
If the media and celebrity endorsements came with honesty… It would go more like this,
“Good morning, this is **** at CNN (Fox, MSN, BET) I’m here to endorse **** because they just paid our network
$XX,000,000 to tell you, our fans, to vote for them! Because we like the money they offered, we are going to do everything we can to make our new funder look good & his/her opponent look bad, so that you will vote for who we tell you to vote for & think what we tell you to think… And you know what… It’s going to work! So now, onto the news accordingly”
Fact, millions of Muslims brought into America under Obama, millions more waiting for Hillary’s election.
Fact: they want to destroy America (their words) & abolish freedom, fact: they swear wherever they go, they will dominate…
Fact: they are destroying every nation they can get in to…
Fact: they WILL destroy America as we know it if Hillary gets the presidency
Look it up for yourself
More facts: all this done under Obama already:
OMG I Don’t Know About You I Need A New President Trump/Pence For America A Strong Ticket That Will Make America Safe, Sane, Properous And Great Once Again! Thank You For Your Support And Votes! Keep The White House Hillary Free, Even Bill Clinton Said There Has Been Enough Women In The Oval Office! Trump/Pence 2016!!!
The Hulkster and the Rock!
Vote Trump
Number #11 wouldn’t be a surprise. Any of them would be a shocker if they support the bozo at all. Go Hillary
Vote For Killary, you may as well buy your burqa now!
Kelly Miller with Killery it will be the end of a free country. Don’t like a lot about Trump but he’s doesn’t have blood on his hands. 54 people had stood up against the Clinton’s and all are dead, little to fishey for me.