image source: Dreamstime
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a different sort of media savvy and media celebrity than his political contenders. The Republican nominee is a firebrand and has ruffled feathers as he made his name in business and later, in the realm of entertainment, but he also has allies and supporters, including some you may not expect.
It’s true, “The Donald” doesn’t have the type of notoriety his opponent does, but that’s because he hasn’t been under felony investigation by the FBI.
Check out this slideshow of the entertainment celebrities who have come forward in support of Trump in an industry not known for supporting Republicans!
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
Ok Trump supporters, once and for all, we get it, you hated president Obama, you hate Hillary Clinton, you hate liberals, democrats, progressives, intellectuals, educators, immigrants, the poor, the elite, gays, protesters, Colin Kaepernick, BLM. But you say you love Jesus, who, by the way was a foreigner, and from the Middle East, who also advocated love for all people! But let’s put that aside for now.
Out of all the things you hate, do you still love your country, and the freedoms it provides? Well, The man that you voted in as president, is systematically trying to transform this free society into a dictatorship! Now, before your begin hurling insults at me, and calling me names, like snowflake and libtard, or any one of the plethora of other insults you guys use to disparage those who disagree with you. Here me out!
Your president has gone to war with every branch of government we have, except the executive branch, of which he is the head of. He’s attempted to discredit the military, saying that he knows more than the generals do. Let’s not forget this man was hosting a game show, and ogling young naked beauty pageant contestants, and talking about grabbing women’s genitals 3 years ago, he’s never served in the military, he dodged the opportunity to do so. So, where does his superior knowledge come from? Cause he says he has a good brain? Really?
He as tried to dissolve faith in our intelligence gathering agencies, who have tied Russian hackers to spying, and interfering with our election. He has insulted them, called them liars, unless of course they benefit him. These are the people who protect us from threats both foreign and domestic, they have studied for years, and are well versed in the ways of espionage and counter intelligence! Trump was building failing casinos and appearing on the WWE, while these people were protecting the country.
Now Trump is in a fight with the judiciary branch, disparaging federal judges, calling them political, because they won’t let him run roughshod over the rule of law! Judges who have studied law, made rulings based on our constitution, and law, judges who have been appointed to their positions by commanders and chiefs. Upholding the law, while trump was out breaking the law, Not paying his taxes, (which he still hasn’t shown us) cheating on his wives, business partners, and American citizens.
So, he’s at war with those who protect us, those who defend us, those who uphold our laws, and let’s not forget about his war with the media, actually saying that all who don’t agree with him are f**e news! Open you eyes! Your choice for president is trying to become Americas first dictator! As much as you may hate everything, and everyone else, don’t you at least love your country enough to stop him? Or has he bewitched you beyond your capacity to see what he’s doing?
Put your head back in the sand Jeff… you will be happier there….
You may want to ease back a bit on believing the lying lamestream media…
Bigot. Don’t judge others you do not know.
What fascinates me about this is that with the exception of the list in the first paragraph–which I believe is inaccurate, (and simply creating such a list is bigotry, by the way)–you could cross out “Trump” in the remainder of the post and replace it with “Obama” and you’ll see that much of it is still true, but because of your one-sided blindness you fail to see it. You posit that Trump is trying to create a dictatorship. Do you not see that Obama did the same thing? I actually feared for the final two years of his presidency that was EXACTLY his intent! Do you not see that typically persons from the liberal side of the aisle (I’m not accusing you in this case, because you haven’t, in this posting) IMMEDIATELY begin calling conservatives names? How quickly are conservatives referred to as Nazi’s, for example? Good grief, even the Washington Post, NOT a bastion of conservatism by any means, had an article just two years ago pointing out that Obama argued with the judiciary a LOT, particularly the supreme court!!! (
I could have literally taken your last paragraph and written it to Obama supporters just two years ago, but I believe you would have failed to see it. Until you are willing to look past the person and see their actions, and their possible implications–regardless of whether you support the individual or not–we will not move ahead.
So that is all I ask. Not that change your mind and support Trump, but that you look at EVERY individual with the same critical eye, and stop looking at people as members of groups. “Groups” are killing us, literally and figuratively. Because when you assign the actions of one to a group, and try to find others who fit that group, you quickly move down the path of bigotry.
Spend more time telling me why you love the evil of BarryBarack, Hillary Clinton’s crimes, rather than lying about what I/we love. You are not a prophet. You do not know me, nor what I think, nor do you rightly state the good President Elect Trump has done.
“ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!“ Isa 5:20
You talk like you know what everyone thinks. I believe you are mistaken. For example, once when is it that only liberals are intellectuals? Why would I hate someone because they are a democrat, liberal, progressive, poor, educated, etc… I’m pretty sure people from all walks of life can be affiliated with either party. Actually, I’m proof of a few of your accusations. I have a brother I am very close with who happens to be a liberal. I love him very much and speak with him several times a week. We grew up poor, but were taught conservative values. Somewhere my brother lost that thinking. I stuck with them. What I do see it that extreme left swinging liberals label everyone and make assumptions towards anyone that doesn’t agree with them. And, I see that as their problem.
If all dictators were like Trump , I welcome them, Mr Fisher !
Wow you probably believe a lot of that b******* that you typed where do you get your information from did you not hear that the whole Russian collusion bulshit was with the Democrats are you just overlooking all of the corruption during the elections perpetrated by the Democrats and you’re worried about Donald making America great economies up jobs are up everybody in the world has more respect for a man that is a patriot than a man that is a coward and one that tore our military apart and gave away the store VA uranium to the Russians and billions to the Iranians I guess it just matters what your priorities are apparently yours are woman’s genitalia talk and Republicans and Trump supporters are more about the strength and economy of this great nation. When will the Liberals and Democrats quit crying and support their American president and quit acting like a bunch of immature whiny little spoiled children it’s been over a year and with seven years more to go we’ve heard enough crying and blubbering if it’s too much to accept I suggest you had to another country because Donald is going to win in 2020 even a lot of Democrats and liberals that I know are starting to understand how good he is for our country
The typical liberal talking point are null and void. Try thinking for yourself.
Ummm,,, obama divided the nation and worked towards dictatorship. He’s most likely not done trying yet. Obama apologized to countries for us kicking their asses because they slapped us in the face. Many if not most Trump supporters are poor or at least middle class defined. We don’t want to control anyone. We don’t want to be controlled. Simple as that. We won’t be ruled and we’ll do everything in our power to fight off people trying to control us. You all keep nibbling away at our rights. We just want to be left alone, but we have the spirit of our forefathers which had the spirit of wild animals. We can be really nice, but backing us into a corner will guarantee a fight that you don’t want. You go your separate way and leave us alone.
You must be kidding…the Haters and Race dividers are the elitists Democrats.
Obama set our country back 50 years in race relations spreading his hate and division.
I speak as a multiracial, multicultural, lady who knows the truth!
God help make America be great again! Our government has failed on so many levels and the Parkland shooting was an example on how the government cannot control things and makes tremendous mistakes.
There a few of those elitist on the Republic side, too…We need to get rid of all of them and limit terms.
Another MSM brainwashed follower… oy!
This moron had nothing to say about the kennedys, Clinton’s Obama’s just to name a few. Yes your right we will call you ignorant.
F you
That’s hilarious. You’d better stop drinking your Koolaide and take off your libtard glasses and try thinking for yourself instead of spewing the same old C**P that very Dumbocrat and Libatard speak.
Sir, come up with something new. What happened to folks sharing their opinion and not getting shamed for it? If Your a Democrat or you just don’t like the President that’s ok but it doesn’t make people bad for who they support. It’s none of business of who your pulling for but we can’t change the constitution.
Everything you said is what you do. We love everybody that loves back. Not like you and yours. So see all that you said is what you crybabys do.
I see you are a master at saying absolutely nothing in a thousand words or more.
I quit reading after “Here me out” .
This sounds like all conspiracies to me. You have no links or real evidence to support this beside what the news says about which is the same news outlets that caused us to lose the Vietnam war by promoting lies and propaganda. The FBI and CIA openly omitted that the 150 million dollars obama lost was actually given to our countries enemies and gave them weapons. My army buddies that are over fighting ISIS has sent me pictures of some dead ISIS fight holding U.S. government stamped M4s’ and grenades. Back in 2010 through 2012. Now Hillary Clinton plain out lied in a couple of her campaign ads saying that she has her 40 years as a politician fight for kids amd their rights to live to their god given potential yet 1 in 5 kids fight hunger everyday. Then in another one of her campaign ads she says she has spent 40 years as a politician fighting for women’s equality in the work place yet women haven’t been equal in the work place women still make less the men and get treated with less respect. Now I’m not going to call you names or disrespect you in anyway I understand you have a right to your opinion as do i. But i don’t trust the government or anyone in it because they didn’t keep their promise to give me my benefits when i go out of the army, even though I kept my promise and defended this country with my life.
You are delusional! Obama tried before the first dictator! Look at all the executive orders signed when Congress refused his changes law.
You claim I/we hate Obama and Hillary Clinton and that’s simply untrue. Obama failed this country and our military while he was POTUS. Clinton had proven herself crooked from them minute she walked out of the White House after Bills presidency came to an end. He took historical items that she had no right to take so they were forced to return these things. H. Clinton left men in Benghazi, to die. We had special forces on route and SHE placed the order to stand down.
As for the liberals, democrats, progressives, I/we disagree on politics/policies. There’s no hate, as long as the debate remains intelligent.
Nobody hates intellectuals and educators. Again, intellectuals must be open to debate intellectually and admit there’s intellect on both sides of the isle. It isn’t reserved for your side, nor mine. Teachers absolutely must remain unbiased when teaching history, government and even when teaching about Republicans, Democrats, The Green Party, The Tea Party, etc. To do otherwise is an attempt to brainwash children into that teachers own beliefs and that isn’t what “teaching” is supposed to be about. Teaching is supposed to open the minds of the youth, so they can do their own critical thinking and make their own informed decisions.
As for immigrants, again, nobody hates an immigrant. What is not liked is the ILLEGAL immigrant. We as a country, were eventually built on the LEGAL immigration of people from around the globe. Even President Obama, both Bushes and Clinton had immigration policies that prohibited immigrants from entering this country illegally. Besides, the key in this (and I’m sure you’ve heard this argument before) is, why would we allow someone into this country when their very first act upon arrival is breaking one of our laws (illegal entry into this country.) Also, why is it such a terrible thing to ask they each be vetted before being allowed entry into the path to citizenship? It would screen out murderers (such as the guy who murdered that mother of three), who illegally entered 3 times before committing that particular killing. The same with the construction of the southern border wall. It’s not meant to punish anyone. It’s a way to tell those who wish to become an American citizen, that they must first be vetted and follow the rules and laws within this country (even if/after they do receive citizenship.)
I don’t believe you’re accusing anyone of hating the poor. The poor who won’t go to work aren’t celebrated, because they are a drain on the federal economy when they absolutely should be working and earning as much as they possibly can, just like any other persons in this country. Every person should attempt to earn as much as they can (the rich/elite included) because whatever is earned is then taxed, sending more money into the countries coffers, paying down the National Debt, allowing more programs to open (such as the repair of our infrastructure, giving more grants to colleges around the country in hopes to save our planet via green energy, more and more efficient wind turbines and solar panels, and longer lasting solar powered battery systems for things such as automobiles. That alone would reduce emissions in a huge way and reduce the gases that are killing our Ozone later. It’s all a trickle down effect.
As for “hating gays”, the accusation is ridiculous. There are some that happen to be Republican and do dislike gay people, but they are leaning very heavily on their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc., upbringing. It’s their religion instead of their political stance, that clouds their judgement. Yes, plenty of religions have opened their minds and eyes and invite gay men and women into their flock, but it’s hardly fair to say an entire political side is filled with people who hate gays, especially since the few that do are so old-school and can’t or won’t open their minds to new ideas and ideals. Also, there’s as many old-school Democrats who are equally homophobic. I think it’s more an issue of, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” than an issue of one side of an isle being worse that the other. This is also why I believe in term limits for those on Capitol Hill. Shake the geezers out (no matter what side they represent) so new blood, with new ways of thinking, new ideas and ideals, can come forward and help run this country without the same biases someone may be carrying forward from the 1940s, when they were growing up. So, if there’s blame, point at churches for teaching to hate gays.
The only protesters disliked are the ones doing so illegally (without permits) and those who cause damage to property or harm people who disagree with the protesters side of the debate.
Now, Colin Kaepernick is disliked because he protested the wrong way and wrong thing. He took issue with the way black people were being treated by cops, etc., in the streets of America. His decision to protest is fine by my opinion. However, he protested the Flag (a symbol of this country and more so, a symbol of this country’s military. The flag was initially made to represent the unified colonies against the tyranny of the UK, and was our battle flag during the Revolutionary War. It was created FOR the military and by kneeling, it is a sign of disrespect towards the military instead of a sign of disrespect toward the police who are indeed wrongfully murdering and injuring black people on a daily basis. Kaepernick should be targeting the police instead of the flag (or the National Anthem, which is also to honor the country, ESPECIALLY the military.) If protesting the police isn’t good enough, then protesting (and voting out) those who were elected to represent their constituents should be done. If the men and women within the government won’t do their job (Governors, Senators, Representatives, etc.), protest them. Bombard their offices with letters demanding a change. Picket outside of the Senate, The Governors home/office and even protest outside of the White House, if the President won’t or hasn’t listened. However, Kaepernick accidentally targeted the wrong thing(s) by choosing the Flag and Anthem. Those may be symbols of this country, but are more tied to our military dating back to the very birth when we beat the British in the Revolutionary War, beat them again in the War of 1812 and have endured everything up to and including the 9/11 attacks in New York/at the Pentagon and in the field in Pennsylvania.
I don’t think anyone “hates” the BLM. I think the country is somewhat fearful of a repeat of the Civil War and I think people hoped we as a country were beyond that in our history. I have no hate or anything towards the BLM. My two sons are biracial and personally I support the BLM. I also worry daily, that I may get a phone call. But again, I think the anger should be towards the police and up through the Justice Department and to those elected to represent us as citizens. Again, by protesting them and replacing them through voting, will get far more accomplished than blocking a roadway, trashing stores or cars on the streets, or even kneeling on the sidelines of a football game or on the basketball court, etc.
Jeff Fisher,I can see why you don’t have a profile picture. If I spouted the same building as you, without any facts to back it up, I wouldn’t want anyone to know who I was either.
Excellent drivel! Running roughshod over the law? You just described the entirety of the complete Obama administration!
You’re Fired.
We don’t hate anyone! Trump supporters love America! If you hate America, then we hate you. Get it right! Don’t talk out of your ass! Have a great day!
The only ones I see trying to removes constitutional rights and freedoms are the Democrats with their war on the second amendment and innocent sportsmen. It’s easy it seems for liberals to always blame everyone except the person responsible. That is why we support Mr. Trump.
I’m just glad hillery lost. I’ve seen nothing of what you said about my President being truthful! As far as him going to war? With other branches? That’s absurd! Never in the history of our Counrty has a President, legally elected President been disparaged and called names from the loosing side as Donald Trump! It’s really pathetic the way folks on the far left have behaved since November 2016! Now honestly look back to 2008-2016, did the folks on the right or even far right acted towards obama like you’ve recently acted in you response above? No cause it’s just not so! Oh we did not respect the man, obama, but we still went to work every day, we did not gather in huge numbers and burn things in protest, like has happened in the last year and a half!
Exactly that was the point to “drain the swamp” good job Mr President, we have a much more corrupt system than most would believe
Hate is a democrats field of expertise. When you spring clean (ie drain the criminal swamp) you disrupt the status quo. Learn to think for yourself because right now we’re seeing utter greatness
Jeff you are a blow hard wind bag who needs to do your own research.
Everything you are saying about the federal judges, intelligence gathering agencies, those who are protecting our country…if it were true…would be a good point. Unfortunately all of those mentioned are in decay because they are already bought and paid for by the democrats. Don’t blame us for hoping Trump can change that. Who have you got that will serve as a check and balance to the dictatorship the career politicians are running? Do you really believe that giving all your tax money to the left will feed the hungry and promote the love of Jesus?!! You better think again my friend.
You are so brianwashed to believe that he is ruining the country that you completely ignore all of the fantastic things he has done so far. Seriously, hes not going anywhere so if you dont like him, vote someone else next election. But for now, instead of wasting yor time and everyone else’s, do something productive and help someone in need. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Let’s talk about hate, there, Jeff Fisher. Democrats started the KKK. Democratic states are in debt, and are also the states that offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants. Democrats are the ones who are sore losers because Hillary didn’t win. Democrats were the ones who were rioting and looting after the election. We are NOT against the country, nor are we against the educated. Your buddies Obama and Clinton also did not serve in the military. Hillary’s right hand woman was married to Weinstein, the guy CONVICTED of sex crimes. So far, the people who have been found to be sexual predators are democrats. Also, there is corruption in the democratic party. I refer to using their power to further spouse’s contracts and careers. Clinton’s accusers had their careers ruined by Hillary,, and it seems that anyone who blows the whistle on her, even one year die. Like the guy who committed suicide by shooting himself, AFTER his arms and legs were broken. Or the one who shot himself in the back TWICE.
So many false statements you just made, your not worth the reply. But just to make you feel better. Your not a libtard just a cnn brain washed moron!
He is doing a wonderful job.. He has already improved America.. now we will have safe borders, more protection,. The terrorist will have a harder time to get in, if there coming from another country…
Don’t you want to be safe?… Praise the Lord we have President Trump.
I’ll pray for you..
Simply put…”PROGRESSIVE?’
A PC word for COMMUNIST! Look it up!! Part of the Liberal BRAINWASHING of the SHEEP!
You’re an idiot… none of that has literally been proven, why do you point accusations without solid evidence? Makes you look ignorant, you should probably go hide under that rock you climbed out from under to verbally vomit on this page. Good job “snowflake”
First of all we don’t hate the poor, I’m poor. Secondly we don’t hate immigrants, we hate illegal immigrants. If the do it correctly they are welcome.
Thirdly we don’t hate gays. It says in the Bible that practiceing homosexuality is wrong and those who do will be cast out.
Fourthly all the talk about about women is called locker talk. EVERY man does it. If he doesn’t he’s lying or gay.
Fifthly he is going to war to clean out the c**p..
Six the Russian connection was created by the dumacrats, the real connection is between Hillary, obama and the Russians
You sir are retarded
You know, it’s sad.. I feel sorry for you.. I really do.. I’m a proud Conservative Republican Trump supporter, and I don’t hate any of those things that you listed. I may not agree with them or frankly maybe not even be able to stand some of those items listed, but I don’t hate. You are a very close-minded person, with all do respect. You are stereotyping and categorizing a lot of different people. It’s your right though, so I will show you some respect. But, let me say this, you are very confused. What I mean by that is, you are not seeing the big picture.
God bless you and your family!
By the way, yes I do love my country, I’d die for it.
And I didn’t even call you a name.. 😉
You are beyond stupid. The dictatorship was Obama and Clintons regime. Learn the facts before you post. Clinton was a big buddy of the KKK leadership. Also known for lies and traitorous acts. Believes in any and all abortions mainly African American abortions. Changing the amendments to suit their protocol.
You have a right to your beliefs and you do your research before printing a novel of untruths and uneducated statrerments..Comey is probably your hero!! Sooo pathetic!..and Hill-liar is Mother Teresa…hahah you dems are funny. Spoiled little brats is what you are. Go suck your thumb or binkie in your safe sanctuary because you didn’t get your way with the Presidential election.
One thing I won’t do is ramble aimlessly like you did with provably untrue and absolutely 100% bias LeftWing opinions and garbage..
At the end of 4 yrs when he is reelected, you will retract each and every dumb statement you just made….. Enjoy your 4 yrs, I know the rest of us will!
Wow! Guess the Thorazine Treatments did not work for you Jeff…. Hopefully, your decision to become a DNA DENIER..woMAN, will not cause you more problems!
You people never cease to amaze me! Your kind are the biggest hypocrites ever to walk the earth! You all are the liars! CNN. NBC, ABC/CBS! Fox, every single time will be able to prove every single thing that they say! I love how you bring Jesus into this because you and your ignorant kind are all for killing unborn babies but you have the nerve to preach about the rest of us about how terrible we are for not putting illegals before Americans! How pathetic you all are to act like you guys care so much about the illegals but are totally okay with murdering unborn babies ! Your precious Obama and Bill Clinton even made a speech about how we needed to get illegal immigration under control but when President Trump wants to do the same thing you two faced hypocrites scream out that he is a racist ! You liberal Democrats are the ones trying to become the dictators and try to silence everyone who doesn’t agree with you and yet you want to turn it all around and accuse President Trump of what you really are! You are all pathetic narsaccistic hypocrites that just support this overload of illegals for nothing more than democratic votes so stop this BS acting like that is a moral issue when in truth non of you know the meaning of having morals!!!
Lol just want to let you know, I am no where near rich. Working class single,mom that raised three kids by working three jobs. Oh and I don’t hate anyone, I don’t like their politics or the games they play, the two sided games the least. For example I gave Obama s chance an as for Killary 40 years ago she ruined herself. I am a Christian, so maybe rethink your stereotype
The only “hate” I see is from your side…. but thanks for your tolerant intolerance and prejudicial racism towards Trump supporters.
Here’s the problem with liberals, you literally said “your president”. At least conservatives call the president their president no matter who it is. Liberals are the ones trying to take the Americans freedoms away. Explain Obamacare to me? Is that right to force people to insurance? Tell me again who the dictator is sprunk.
You are not a libtard, just a useful idiot
No we don’t hate anything you listed out, what we despise is anti American treasonous b******t
Stop watching CNN. Do you really believe that by telling these lies over and over that you actually may believe it?
Jeff, with all due respect, beginning your post with your distaste for the monikers you claim conservatives foist upon liberals, without mentioning the hate, divisiveness and name calling the ‘progressives’ proffers on the those who disagree with them, sort of waters down your ‘point.’
That said, to your assertion that the POTUS is attempting to become a ‘dictator’ and the ‘reasons’ or ‘facts’ you use to support this notion are not only not factual, moreover they are simply not even within the realm of reasoned thought.
“Your president has gone to war with every branch of government we have, except the executive branch’….not true, POTUS has fired members of the ‘executive’ branch for failure to perform.’ ….even so, this does not make POTUS a ‘dictator’
“He as tried to dissolve faith in our intelligence gathering agencies, who have tied Russian hackers to spying, and interfering with our election. ” ….also not true, POTUS and exposed the intelligence agencies for lying to the American people, both about Russia and the Democrats who’ve been at the helm of the ‘Russian Investigation’….Think, Barak Obama who knew about the Russian Hacking in 2016, there is also new evidence that suggests Obama knew in 2015…and did nothing……This also doesn’t make POTUS a dictator.
“Now Trump is in a fight with the judiciary branch, disparaging federal judges, calling them political, because they won’t let him run roughshod over the rule of law! “……You mean the 9th circuit court? The very court that lifts illegal alien ‘rights’ above the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens? The 9th district court that is supporting rabid increases in the ACA (Obama Care) premiums in California or supporting ‘free health care’ for illegal aliens in California?….calling the 9th district court out, is what Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I…should have done…also this doesn’t make POTUS a dictator.
“So, he’s at war with those who protect us, those who defend us, those who uphold our laws, and let’s not forget about his war with the media, actually saying that all who don’t agree with him are f**e news!”….no POTUS isn’t at war, POTUS is doing his job, the very job Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I SHOULD have done.
In closing, your assertions that Donald J. Trump, your President is attempting a coup to take over the government of the United States of America….simply is F**E news. Based upon the way you FEEL about him.
No POTUS, not JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama have managed to do in North Korea what your POTUS is doing…the booming economy, business, opportunity for ALL Americans, Black, Brown, White…et al…dictator? …nope, outrageous job? Definitely…lose the blinders, take a step back without bias and observe the facts.
Have a great day!
I have never supported Trump, But I don’t support the way the Democrats have conducted themselves since Trump was elected President. Poor old Trump embarrasses me to death, but the Democrats do also. A lot of people were against Obama, but I didn’t see the loosing party out there marching and raising h—. I just don’t get it ! Trump has made lots of mistakes and has said and done things that made him look foolish. BUT he was elected and I think everyone in our country should be helping him, and he does need our help. Give the devil his dues, he has done some pretty good things for our country. Stop acting like children and get out there and work for our country.
Really! Only half of what you said has any merit and the rest is what liberals feel we think and feel. Well you’re all wrong.
Like to hear yourself talk don’t you ?
Agree with all you say but you’re wasting your time thinking Trumpsters will understand .They live in another very different world with their own set of beliefs.
OMG Jeff! First of all, I’m conservative and I don’t hate anyone, but I do have dislike of the behaviors of people who don’t seem to understand the ramifications of what they do. I have no problem with gays but yes elites are a problem because they do think they are above the law. Secondly, I know of NO conservatives who hate immigrants! Most of us are, btw, immigrants. The problem lies with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are a burden on our taxpayers, businesses and healthcare system and a slap in the face to all those LEGAL citizen immigrants who waited, followed the rules, paid a lot of money to accomplish getting their citizenship LEGALLY! They are also a burden on our poor, homeless and jobless citizens who we should take care of FIRST! But people like you are ok with ignoring our own people in need trying to get benefits in favor of illegal aliens just crossing the border??! If you cared about our own people, you’d understand what the President is trying to do in protecting our citizens already here and requiring immigrants to come in legally.
One more thing in this area, in case you don’t know, Jesus was Jewish, so stop trying to make out like He was Arab or something. Middle East, really??? Don’t even try to use Him to make any of your points because He was not a “foreigner” since there’s no record of Him ever coming to this continent. I have no idea what you were reaching for but it made no sense.
And it makes me laugh when people like you spout your opinions as fact but you give nothing to back them up.
Yes, you’re right about his attitude and about him being crass. But going to war with every branch of government? Maybe it’s the other way around? We have liberal judges who aren’t happy with interpreting the laws based on the constitution, but would rather rewrite laws by their precedent setting. The uphold the laws depending on their own biases and beliefs. What judges should do is look at the laws only but that only happens if you have a strict constitutional judge. Liberals can’t do that to save their lives.
Now about your statement about Trump talking about grabbing women’s genitals 3 years ago…
In October of 2016, it became public knowledge that there had been an interview between Trump and Billy Bush of Access Hollywood back in 2005. That was 14 years ago, not 3 years ago. Bush was making rather leud comments during the interview and both were making sexist jokes. Trump said, “When you’re a star they’ll let you do anything. You can grab ‘me by the pxxxy”. From the banter, they both seemed like they were trying to impress one another. This was inside the bus. No one would ever argue that Trump is not braggadocious but, my guess is from what he said prior to this, he also got turned down a lot too.
Yes, he’s full of himself. But he’s able to improve jobs, our unemployment has never been lower in over 50 years and he is on the side of our law enforcement and military. I think not being a politician is a good thing right now because we have a lot of corrupt politicians on both sides who need to go home.
The reason it seems like he’s battling with congress is that they don’t do their jobs and the millions in taxpayers money and over two years they wasted on the f**e dossier and investigation and attempted coup will land many of them and heads of the departments involved that covered up Spygate in jail.
The American people are not stupid, they see what Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, and the rest did to try to cover their tracks now that their emails are out… Everything will come out!
And yes, the media that won’t report on the truth IS F**E NEWS… I suppose you haven’t actually read any of Hillary’s emails that came out or those between Strzok and Page about him having an insurance policy if Hillary lost.
These traitors will be hung when the courts are done with them…
Have a good day but I suggest you stop listening to cnn. And no I don’t watch Fox…
That’s great they are some who is not wusses
What happened to Clint Eastwood, I know he is behind President Trump!
I don’t know about you, but I don’t hate anyone.
Jeff Fisher
What we hate is the evil, self-serving lying demons that are working through everyone you mentioned to turn this free country into a globalist dictatorship with a one world government controlled by the very spiritual wickedness that the clintons, Obamas, democrats, liberals and all the others have given themselves to serve(some without realizing it.) This is a spiritual war that everyone on the planet is caught up in. Hillary had simply chosen the losing side. Jesus is the only hope of being on the winning side because He settled the matter when He rose from the dead 3 days after being murdered by Satan’s crew. We hate who she serves(the devil) not her personally.
You forgot one Jeff Fisher!! IDIOT!! which would be where you would fall!!!
Jeff Fisher your an idiot
Jeff Fisher your words leave out a big comparison to a two term government that was run by the mob. Your word forgets to mention that he speaks on our behalf not your vagrant perspective on MORALS. His opposition that he is at war with is exactly what we the people are opposed of for sure# Jesus wasn’t a leader he was a SAVIOR+
Keep taking your Meds.