image source: Dreamstime
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a different sort of media savvy and media celebrity than his political contenders. The Republican nominee is a firebrand and has ruffled feathers as he made his name in business and later, in the realm of entertainment, but he also has allies and supporters, including some you may not expect.
It’s true, “The Donald” doesn’t have the type of notoriety his opponent does, but that’s because he hasn’t been under felony investigation by the FBI.
Check out this slideshow of the entertainment celebrities who have come forward in support of Trump in an industry not known for supporting Republicans!
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
when they pay my bills i will care how they vote
They have a right to voice their opinions!
5 people died in the last month in the Hillary Circle. 2 supposed of testified in The DNC Scandal! Sound Familiar?
OBAMA endorsed her…
That should speak VOLUMES to ALL AMERICANS!!!!
One more thing to consider– THERE IS CORRUPTION, COLLUSION, THEFT, PRIVILEGE ???THINKING- OWED TO OBAMA-FAMILY-HILLIARY,, MYSTERIOUS DEATHS, CLINTON CASH VIDEO, HILLIARY’S AMERICA MOVIE, E-MAIL SCANDAL, BENGAZI , LYING, CHEATING, STEALING. Wake up people there is corruption in our mist. How can you not see these listed and still have to “follow” HRC. Where is your integrity! Where is common sense!! READ AND WEEP — The law firm for which Kahn worked just COINCIDENTALLY (yeah, right) is also the law firm for the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia, the tax lawyers for Bill & Hillary Clinton (and the Clinton Foundation) and also where Loretta Lynch worked. Oh yeah, they also represent a small tech firm in Denver, CO. (yes, the same little firm that “managed” Hillary’s private server)”
The COLLUSION AND CORRUPTION RUNS DEEPER THAN IMAGINABLE my friends!!! …no wonder the media is falling all over itself to defend this man…There is always more to every story! This is repost. Copy and paste and spread around.
I dont understand the rich Republicans. What he hell are they afraid of . If they take Trump down and not support him the party is over for them. She is the worst of the worst and the Supreme Court will get Obama and then watch your rights go right out the window. Come down to earth Republicans and get out to vote and donate to him as we supported George Bush after Obama was elected with all the vile things they said about him.
Well said!
Please post this on open fb?
WE MUST STOP CORRUPT CROOKED LYING KILLARY…If she gets into OUR White House she will appoint the nest Supreme Court Judge…GOD Forbid it be the MUSLIM POS OVOMIT. This will affect US, OUR CHILDREN and OUR GRAND CHILDREN for years to come. She will do her best to cost us OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, While keeping the Secret Service ARMED to protect HER SORRY$#%&!@*!!!! She will FLOOD OUR COUNTRY WITH SYRIANS, TERRORISTS, and ILLEGALS…. OUR Borders will NEVER BE CLOSED. AND all of this we will be FORCED TO PAY for with her PROMISED RISE IN TAXES on the MIDDLE CLASS. if that DOESN’T KILL US, we can always be BOMBED, BEHEADED, RAPED or MURDERED by ISIS….GET A CLUE, OPEN YOUR EYES, SEE HILLARY’S AMERICA , BUT THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU VOTE FOR THIS TRAITOROUS B*TCH !!!!!!….TRUMP 2016 !!!!!