image source: Dreamstime
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a different sort of media savvy and media celebrity than his political contenders. The Republican nominee is a firebrand and has ruffled feathers as he made his name in business and later, in the realm of entertainment, but he also has allies and supporters, including some you may not expect.
It’s true, “The Donald” doesn’t have the type of notoriety his opponent does, but that’s because he hasn’t been under felony investigation by the FBI.
Check out this slideshow of the entertainment celebrities who have come forward in support of Trump in an industry not known for supporting Republicans!
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
hillary’s only plan to create jobs and fix our economy is to rebuild our infrastructure..our roads, bridges,etc.,etc..she has stated this many times herself so don’t just think that this is my opinion..obama already spent a trillion on this and created nothing except more debt…..I hope that everyone is smart enough to realize that the vast majority of infrastructure building and repair is paid for by the government..the government only has two ways to gain money ..either by taxes or borrowing more money..if we go much more in debt then we will be at the point of no return and it will not be long before welfare,foodstamps,social security along with other things will have to be cut tremendously.. that leaves only increasing taxes to pay for this..if she increases taxes on businesses then they will either go out of business or move to other countries and the working class can hardly stand to be taking home even less than we are now…hillary has no idea how to handle our economy but the lawyer/politician in her will make you think she does..trump is not politically correct and talks more like a construction worker but he does know money..trump will lower taxes for everyone which will give us already broke folks a little more of our paycheck but more importantly will make it feasible for large corporations to bring trillions from offshore accounts back to our country which will create many jobs..trump will remove many useless government regulations which will enable small businesses to start up that the current regulations makes that financially impossible..trump wants to stop illegals from coming in which will free up jobs for americans and also raise wages..trump will also renegotiate trade deals which we all know will level out the playing field for american companies which will increase jobs..trump has other things which will also help but just these few I listed should show anyone with the least amount of common sense which candidate can get our economy back on track..hillary will only finish destroying us..
AWSOME……unfortunately we desperately need to have all of he voting machines inspected as they are now finding inaccurate votes….many have been compromised.
We need to stand together to make this an Honest Election…..
Why does anyone care who any celebrities support????? You have to be really small minded to do something because a celebrity said so. Liberals really puch the celebrities and now the right? These people make millions off their hypocrisy!!! Be brighter than a celebrity people. Be smarter and don’t be swayed by people yelling about guns but make millions from movies with guns. Or people yelling about air quality and how the little people are just awful yet they fly to fundraisers for Hillary on private jets. We are not electing c celebrities who are so far removed from real life they cannot comprehend the struggles of day care, rise in Obamacare, greater deductibles, less in paychecks, low paying jobs, adult children living with parents due to finanaces. Be smarter!
Real men!
Very smart
Tammy, this is very obviously a pro Trump column. Why don’t you troll back over to (for Hillary site, if you can find one, lol) and look for them missing E mails. Mmmmkay
Lol, Vickie, run along and go troll on Hillary site .
I didn’t look at the list of celebs. I support Trump regardless if all celebs and media deny him. I think for myself.