image source: Dreamstime
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a different sort of media savvy and media celebrity than his political contenders. The Republican nominee is a firebrand and has ruffled feathers as he made his name in business and later, in the realm of entertainment, but he also has allies and supporters, including some you may not expect.
It’s true, “The Donald” doesn’t have the type of notoriety his opponent does, but that’s because he hasn’t been under felony investigation by the FBI.
Check out this slideshow of the entertainment celebrities who have come forward in support of Trump in an industry not known for supporting Republicans!
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Yes! And votingr. Trump!
Voting Trump!
Bibey A Tracy, you sure did put a few in their place. Wow, you’re so right. It’s been a very sad day for so many under his watch.
Couldn’t agree with you more either! He’s a POS.
There are some there with a brain after all:)
no not all people thought the world would end under Obama! They thought we would be over run with foreigners. We are! Everyone thought the Economy would Collapse. We are almost there! Everyone thought He would push for stricter gun control and do a gun grab. He has Tried! and We sure as Hell don’t need another 8 Years repeat of Obama under Hillary. They should of both been hanging by the neck!
Strong men! No wimps here!
Good news for Trump. Thanks for supporting Trump.
Wow, you must be christian evangelists with all that hate and judgement. I think wanting a bullet in someone’s head is your third commandment. Way to go.
There are some there with a brain after all:)
I would be willing to vote for a woman but not Hillary. If Trump was elected and was bad, in four years he would be gone. If Hlillary is elected, I guarantee eight years plus the supreme court will be full of people who will make sure America stays the same. We will lose more rights because our country will be full of muslims. In the past others wanted to come here to be Americans. The radical muslims want to run our country. They would as soon slit her throat as yours and mine. We have become afraid of offending that we are slowly giving up every basic right our country is based on. Racial tensions are bad because Obama pushes the thought that we owe the black people. I was raised white trash to some people. Who do I collect from? I will be the first to say black people have not been treated fairly. All this violence and killing is not the answer. That is not going to rectify what happened years ago. Hillary brought black mother’s who lost children to make speeches. Yes my heart hurts for those mothers but my heart hurts for mother and fathers, wives and children of the me who were killed for no other reason except for being a policeman. How do you rectify that? Where were any of these people? Consider what is at stake here in America, our very way if life, our freedoms that brave men and women fought so hard for us to have. You want to elect someone who lets someone talk about our military and our police at a democratic convention. I don’t know alot but I love my country. I have prayed, my heart is at peace with my decision. I cannot and will not vote for Hillary.