Hillary Clinton: Women’s rights champion, feminist, and child-rapist advocate.
You may find that last bit absurd, but Hillary Clinton finds it hilarious.
That’s because newly uncovered tapes reveal that the perpetually lying, hypocritical, and power-obsessive Hillary Clinton not only defended a man charged of raping a 12 year old girl, but did so in spite of her own belief that he was absolutely guilty.
Then she said she managed to net the man a shorter prison sentence.
Then she laughed as she recalled it all.
If you ever need proof that Hillary has a total lack of morality, and even less regard for the truth, here it is. While she campaigns forcefully as the woman’s choice candidate, a candidate who embodies a firm damnation of violence against women, she is the same woman who worked vigorously to defend a man who committed the ultimate crime against women, and to a twelve year old.
Hear the shocking tapes on the next page:
Thats nothin new
She kills Americans she rips off Americans , she says it’s a privilege to be white , she supports Muslims over Americans , she kills our solders , she had a lawyer killed . Why I. The hell would you make the same mistake with her as you did with obumers . Donald Trump your next Christian president.
And there are v****a carrying idiots that will vote for her just because she has the same parts
wake up people
Hillary should never have been approved to run for president,what’s wrong with this country???
Honestly folks think about it. The only two people that we can come up with to run for the highest office in the land is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, really? Well it was a grand experiment but alas we have become an IDIOCRACY and both sides are equally to blame. I thought that Libertarians would be able to save us but a third party is not even given a chance and a two party system is really a one party system. The dissolution of this once great nation will be a hell of a ride. Lock and load and get ready for the next twenty years of chaos, it’s going to be quite a trip!
(watch ‘1984’ and ‘Idiocracy’ somewhere meshed in those two visions of the future is what our reality will be like.)
the no SHAME PARTY…2016
Criminals will always protect their own kind.
Trump should expose all of Hillary’s devious exploits of her last 50 years, then let the Hil. supporters see the real scumbag she is.