The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US was sent home with antibiotics instead of being immediately treated. It’s unknown how many people he came into contact with.
Now it seems that there are 12 possible cases of Ebola in the US.
Click the link below for more information:
I’m still trying to figure out how they have enough nerve to call this “news source” truth and action. I realize we do have freedom of speech but there should be a restriction on telling LIES to gullible readers of such garbage.
These “news articles” are only surpassed in ignorance by the commenters
You people believe everything that floats around on fb, seriously so who’s the real sheep
The need exists for the CDC to be the sole leader for establishing control, not the various state and county health officials who cannot exert leverage over the major hospital’s boards and directors.
Without Marshal law or congress acting to give the CDC control our ability to control the spread of Ebola in the US is an elusive wish much like a bad dream!
The cdc don’t want you too know but its airborne
High school would’ve done wonders for many of the folks here Dwight Decker
Take that idiot out of our White House now .
All f**e this is a lie i hate the basterd but this is f**e
Worst part of it is…the more it scares you, the faster it gets you.
So why is these f**e news places not being shut down for inciting panic? I seen several f**e Ebola articles about schools that used pictures of people crying from the major school shooting that had people in an uproar.