The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US was sent home with antibiotics instead of being immediately treated. It’s unknown how many people he came into contact with.
Now it seems that there are 12 possible cases of Ebola in the US.
Click the link below for more information:
So we went from 1 case to 12 cases in 3 days. Very reassuring…..NOT!!!
Always trying to scare somebody. Geez
Take him down with a Military coup!!
Cases prob f**e martial law wont be
it will spread like wildfire ,.we are all $#%&!@*ed
thanks to the illegal moslim immigrant in the WH
Emporer Obola is just about to declare Martial Law, I wonder how long we have left ???
Marshal Law for the entire USA is impossible.
Martial Law so he can Cancel the Elections.. So much for transparency
These ISIS gang is contracting the virus on purpose to bring to the USA. If they have the balls to car bomb. They have the balls to bring it to the USA.
No one is safe.