It seems the progressive left is renewing its efforts to deprive Americans of their right to defend themselves by making it easier for authorities to confiscate their firearms.
11 states are currently considering measures that would empower judges to bar citizens from owning guns if they determine the citizen in question poses a “threat” to themselves or others. The proposed measures, called Gun Violence Restraining Order, will permit police to raid homes and seize people’s firearms without so much as informing them and prohibit targeted individuals from purchasing guns and ammo.
Check to see if your state is on the list on the next page:
No way.
You want to try Virginia citizens, than just bring it on. Have your affairs in order.
I’ll not accept that statement! We are not done until we can not fight, but we can fight. What makes us exceptional to is that we control our own destiny. So if you choose to say it’s over than you have chosen your destiny will be decided by others. We are Americans and I’ll be damned if I’ll so much as flinch when the time comes. I am an American and you don’t want to mess with me!
God given right, government can’t take away.
Nevada’s newly elected Dem legislature attendees are pushing for this.
Damn liberals are making it so easy for illegals to kill Americans that will not be able to defend themselves. What a bunch of stupid law makers. I bet they have bodyguards around them 24/7. I’m glad this will not happen in the South. Watch what happens to the northern states when they do this c**p
Elmer Jones Lol most of us yankees don’t live in cities and would gladly throw down for the Constitution
Throw in ocean first
The problem is everyone is too busy leading the American lifestyle and until they are pushed to desperation aren’t willing to risk that and fight for what’s right
This is ridiculous were lucky for concealed permits ?
Though waiting for law enforcement you’d be dead already the end