Macy’s is surely sitting in regret over their dropping of Trump’s ties from their sales line after he made comments about Mexican illegal immigrants.
According to TMZ, they have been innundated with complaints from supporters of The Don.
According to connected sources, as of yesterday Macy’s has received complaints from around 30,000 customers since they ended their relationship with Trump almost 2 weeks ago.
Include me. I’m tired of liberals trying to control our lives. It’s time to fight back! It has nothing to do with Trump. I’m sick of the thought, speech and food and drink police that the president has fostered through his Marxist ideology. The media has hero worshiped him because of race. Unfortunately, he has possibly hurt other candidates of color for some. I would vote for Ben Carson because of his conservative values. The media is racist to give a rubber stamp of approval to Obama; even when he makes a bad decision.
The truth is hate is never a good answer and Trump is full of hate.
i like this guy,,i really think he will do good for america,,unlike the muslim we got now….
Macy;s jumping on political correctness bandwagon, let;s jump back by Boycotting them. What goes around, comes around.
So many racist lemmings will follow him
f//k macys
macy’s who.
My gf cut up her card as well. Never support them again.
Good bye Macy’s..