Macy’s is surely sitting in regret over their dropping of Trump’s ties from their sales line after he made comments about Mexican illegal immigrants.
According to TMZ, they have been innundated with complaints from supporters of The Don.
According to connected sources, as of yesterday Macy’s has received complaints from around 30,000 customers since they ended their relationship with Trump almost 2 weeks ago.
Macy’s has sweat shops obviously and those are illegal!!
And I am one of them. I may not agree with everything he says but by gosh I Agree he has the right to say it. Macy’s doesn’t like that right, they don’t like my business.
donald trump go man go….
Glad to hear it!!!
Don’t really care what you think!
I refuse to shop any more at Macy’s
Better learn to speak Walmart
Macy’s …….no shopeeee in your storeeeee !
He is the biggest hypocrite