The Army’s The 101st Airborne is a modular light infantry division trained for air assault operations.
But now their mission has changed to being thrown into the middle of a chaotic Ebola-infested West Africa,
Does this sound at all how we want to treat our boys who are out there giving everything for their country?
And to add insult to injury, they won’t be receiving hazmat suits to protect them from this disease.
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It is misuse of our military! The should refuse to go! There are other places they are needed!
Infect our military and then they take it home to their families and before you know it, epidemic
Idiots at the WH and DOD…… fight ebola and climate change while the real enemy to humanity is ISIS who has killed more people than ebola.
What! Obama want to destroy the military
because obama wants to kill them with it
refuse to go this is an unlawful order.
Why would we need troops to fight a disease? Makes no sense unless they want to try and kill them off.
Is “Truth And Action” even reading any news about ebola? Or are you just content to pull stuff out of your own butts?
they are building hospitals .they will be fine quit being drama queens !
Someone needs to tell us why they are there. And, if they are exposed to patients, will they have the option to use protective equipment? Americans need to know why it is necessary to expose our men to this disease. It doesn’t make sense.