The Army’s The 101st Airborne is a modular light infantry division trained for air assault operations.
But now their mission has changed to being thrown into the middle of a chaotic Ebola-infested West Africa,
Does this sound at all how we want to treat our boys who are out there giving everything for their country?
And to add insult to injury, they won’t be receiving hazmat suits to protect them from this disease.
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dont go after all who going to force you all to do it you all run the unitedstates anyways
it is a bunch of C**P.
This guy is a POS!! Stop crying about having to pay taxes cause guess what I do too
That shows all of us that our president doesn’t give a c**p about our military I hope they rebel against him.
our troops have a right to direguard or diobey an order if it is illegal and beign sent into an area like this without the proper equipment is an illegal order
obama is murdering more of our troops
I have absolutely been against this since Obama first announced it. Obama is one miserable sh-t.
please do not go,,,,it not lawful order
Leave them home