The Army’s The 101st Airborne is a modular light infantry division trained for air assault operations.
But now their mission has changed to being thrown into the middle of a chaotic Ebola-infested West Africa,
Does this sound at all how we want to treat our boys who are out there giving everything for their country?
And to add insult to injury, they won’t be receiving hazmat suits to protect them from this disease.
Click the link below for more information:
LMAO To combat this they need to deploy to DC and put all of the NAZI’s in prison!
what they gonna do start shooting everything in site
Since Ebola is a hoax you don’t need protection
The commanding officer of the 101st Airborne should report to his superiors the unit is ready for duty…as soon as they are fully equipped with hazmat suits, Sir. It is time for the officers to stand up for their troops. Be men, even when others won’t.
This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Fly in to an infested place with a deadly disease unprotected. Then fly back if contracted… Good plan!
FEARMONGERING …. my BS meter went off on the source “Truth and Action” … no truth … no action …. armchair generals !!!
In the second paragraph it clearly stated the troops would be in no contact with the people where they are going. You would have to have really poor faith in our military to think they need to be moon-suited for day to day operations …. this is the US military.
Truth and Action …. truth is that ebola is only by contact … troops don’t take action by hiding under the bed first; let the armchair generals hide !!!
Right behind Our Leader by at Least 3 months.This You cannot lead from behind.
Just more Americans to get it and possibly bring it home. What happened to Israel having a cure for it. I guess that is another example of lies on FB.