The Army’s The 101st Airborne is a modular light infantry division trained for air assault operations.
But now their mission has changed to being thrown into the middle of a chaotic Ebola-infested West Africa,
Does this sound at all how we want to treat our boys who are out there giving everything for their country?
And to add insult to injury, they won’t be receiving hazmat suits to protect them from this disease.
Click the link below for more information:
OJbama is trying to get as many Americans infected as possible so he can declare martial law and cancel the next presidential election. Part of his plan to destroy America.
What purpose does our military fill there.
Why don’t we send our politicians instead.
Send the Obama kids first with no protective suits. IF it is still safe, then you can send our kids!
if they do not receive the equipment they need then they should refuse to go.
U STILL don’t get it! The tyrant’s mission is to KILL THE ENEMY … OUR TROOPS! When the hell r u going to WAKE UP?
i think the niggers in the white house should go. they can relate to the monkey $#%&!@*ers in africa..
Gregory Rossi, you need an attitude adjustment!
Nowhere is there any indication that this was a White House decision!
well the terrorists did want to target our military at home . . . Obama bet them to it by sending them unprotected to Africa. Meanwhile imported ebola patients to America . . . BUT IF A SOLDIER GETS INFECTED, THEY HAVE TO STAY THERE ??????????