The Army’s The 101st Airborne is a modular light infantry division trained for air assault operations.
But now their mission has changed to being thrown into the middle of a chaotic Ebola-infested West Africa,
Does this sound at all how we want to treat our boys who are out there giving everything for their country?
And to add insult to injury, they won’t be receiving hazmat suits to protect them from this disease.
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I don’t like it.
I understand they are going over to build. Not take care of patients. I do know that the top Generals of the Marines & the Army have voiced disapproval of Obama’s latest deployments & treatment of military personnel.
I have been against this from the start. Sending our sodiers including National Guard to Africa is a huge risk or a sick plan or both.There are so many bad ways this could go. Secure the damn border long before you go to Africa.
We have been helping these countries for decades, but they never progress to the next level. When the civilized west leaves or is forced out, the population reverts back to its roots. Prime example is Zimbabwe, ( The ranchers who’s ancestor’s built something out of NOTHING and helped end the starvation have been butchered by the barbarians that lay claim to the ranches and farms. These idiots killed the golden goose and have ruined the land. Have these populations (to include the middle east, with the exception of Israel) contributed to societies over the centuries? What have they invented. Who have they helped? Oh but it is all our fault. Well, maybe if we need to quit feeding the seagulls.
This is the most FU idea yet! Why doesn’t BO go to one of the countries affected by Ebola and give them one of his so called suck it up speaches!
Send obama
They are being sent to die.
Where is the UN??? Isn’t this what that institution is really in place for??
What the hell is going on here? are our troops now to become sacraficial lambs? send the worthless UN, that’s their job!
Praying for our Military!