Do you see a pattern here? The Obama government wants us to give up our guns. And at the same time, they are releasing 6,000 prisoners right now across the country. And the big plan is to unleash 46,000 federal prisoners very soon…to “reduce overcrowding.”
And, of course, Obama is bringing in tens of thousands of Islamists…the same ilk that are currently tearing up half the countries in Western Europe. Plus we have our own domestic, White House approved terrorists like Black Lives Matter.
And Americans will be defenseless under these conditions. More on all this on the next page:
I won’t surrender my guns
No wonder quran was labelled “satanic verses”
Russia is attacking ISIS and the rebels that American was supporting, That’s why Obummer had to rethink what to do
Total insanity. We need to take our country back. To he** with this c**p !!!
Remember Pinnocio (sp)! Remember the bad boys turning into wild donkeys, well that is Obama & his followers of ALL Islam…
No way
screw Ovomit
These “felons” are non violent drug offenders that were released because sentencing for their “crimes” has been reduced. We need to lessen the punishment for non violent victimless crime and make violent crime punishment far more harsh. We waste endless dollars and resources on the drug war with ZERO results while paroling murderers in 5-10 years because of over crowding.
God that’s insane? Looks like Obama is trying to destroy USA from within.
The New Democratic socialist party is growing fast.