Protests throughout Germany last year, in upwards of 100 cities, in protest of the US Federal Reserve system.
Understanding that the Federal Reserve is the cancer of the US and of the world, these Germans understand they are putting themselves at risk with these protests as the German government and newspapers are labeling them as Nazis for not supporting central banking.
“I’m a Nazi because I’m for peace, why?” states journalist Ken Jebson, who was fired for promoting the protests.
This is just what is happening here in the US, where patriots, conservatives, veterans and Constitutionalists are being labeled ‘terrorists’ because they don’t agree with the rising socialism we are all seeing.
What is happening in the US is happening worldwide – Marxism is starting to take more and more control and people are waking up to what is really going on and as they protest, are being labeled as the ‘threat’ to others.
“It’s possible, change really change, not change in the White House, you know. All you have to do is just do it. And when you do this you become a target. But do it! This is a risk but the whole life is a risk,” states Jebson.
The Federal Reserve is neither ‘federal’ nor a ‘reserve’. It’s a conglomerate of private banks that controls our currency. Our Founding Fathers knew all too well that for a private bank to control our currency is the greatest threat to our freedom:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” Thomas Jefferson
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford
If you don’t understand what the Federal Reserve is and how it controls our nation you need to watch them movie below. It’s a cartoon and has a slow start, but overall does a good job at bringing understanding how our financial system really works:
Our Women seem to be Occupied with shopping and gossip while our Sons of America are being sent to fight for the Greed of other citizens lands by Zionist Israel. .they ARE after these countries. Resources, money and Gold FOR Zionist Nazi Israel, America’s Enemy! Not only are they our enemy but they ordered Obama to send America’s Sons back into harms way and stay the course at Zionist Israel’s Demands. YES Obama iS America’s Enemy because he Has been sending arms send Monies to these Enemy Insurgents. The weird issue is that these Insurgents were created BY Obama and Zionist Nazi Israel. So our sons are killing each other America.. Still want to know nothing and play with your phones, go shopping & complain about this boring Issue ? What a country really ! Where IS your heart America. Go arrest the main monster in the peoples White House and go after Zionist State Israel and Rothschild the Leader of the State of Israel. Go after The Feds, the American Zionist Dual Citizens in the 3 Houses of those voted in to represent “we the peoples” and the Supreme Court judges supposedly who are sworn in to keep the laws of the Land of America ? Where are they “All for the Peoples” and Families who employed and are paying their salaries for over some 75 years ? These surely ARE enemies and smack working with the enemy! Why are we doing nothing America and Israel continuing to gain her fill of greed of monies and military aid while our soldiers are abused, used murdered and crippled for life ! Get off your damned phones and put up a stink like no other country and peoples. For Gods sake these are American Men! Where are you America ? tatiana June 2014 USA – Please if you care, Share my post for America’s Sons ! Thanks
I for one, am for Israel! Israel is GOD’s chosen people! As a Christian, I believe what the Bible says, plain and simple! It’s the Islamic regime, that wants to capture the entire world!! They label everyone who doesn’t believe in Islam, the Koran, and Mohammed, as INFIDELS!! They are the real TERRORISTS and BARBARIANS! Greed affects EVERY nation, the rich Arab countries don’t take care of their own, and are greedy as well, over oil, which we have plenty of our own, if our Gov. would allow us to drill and produce, and we are a self sustaining nation, with wheat, corn, commodities, etc…It’s too bad that more people can’t recognize this, and let us utilize what WE have, and YES, we have GREED here too, But, we have something that most of us will fight to the death for, and not ask anyone to intervene, that’s FREEDOM—–and that’s more than the Arab, communist countries, and terrorists’ countries have!!! We care about our military sons and daughters, and they fight for freedom, not just for us, but for the world!! There is honor and valor galore, in these valiant troops, that I proudly commend! Do I like war, NO! Peace is what is needed in all countries, but look around you, and see what the REAL culprit is: Radical Religious Cultures, Greed, Suicide bombings of innocent women and children, and this from the radical Terrorists, and cruel barbaric power over all they possess! If countries left Israel alone, Israel would not retaliate! No country is going to be bombed, or land taken from them without a fight! So who’s really at fault here???
have some more kool aid you zionist doubt a christian fundy too
I too support Israel. Islam is a murderous, evil cult. There is nothing religious about it.
I have friend who fought 6 years for you freedom.
He is Muslim and I American.
We get along just fine.
And I do not support countries who steal land and tell others they do not deserve to have there own.
That is not moral.
Well I’m glad to see that it isn’t just American’s protesting being sold down the river!
The Federal is a very corrupt organization that has destroyed our and many other economies.
Are we not loved around the world————————–NOT!!!! 🙂
May God Bless These GERMAN”S for Protesting OUR Federal Reserve=it’s MORE than ANY AMERICAN has done!!!
The FED must be abolished.