What do you call a man caught with an arsenal of 10,000 stolen guns, buck heads, taxidermy supplies, 500 chainsaws, hunting crossbows and 4-wheelers on his property? A non-violent drug dealer just prime for an Obama clemency.
Nicholson was surprised by 100 officers who arrived at his home to arrest him for drug trafficking, but the cops got the bigger surprise when they discovered so many stolen weapons and other items.
Check out the video on the next page.
Possesion of stolen guns…drug trafficing
So the article says.
Cynthia Shannon Bouakadakis There isn’t ! The problem is that the guns were stolen ! How does a person acquire so many stolen guns without dealing with criminals ?
That’s what I thought I read. Maybe I don’t understand what I’m reading anymore, but in my day that ment you were a criminal. Unless they’ve changed the law……again.
Carey Murrell MsgtRet no it’s not his right to have all those stolen guns ! To have guns ,sure it’s his right but these guns were stolen .
Jimmy Lee Wallace he didn’t own them ! He possessed them . They were stolen and they were not his property !
Jimmy Lee Wallace he didn’t own the guns . They were stolen !
Probably stage like Sandy Hooks … Don’t trust propaganda media or government anymore … Lies
Will the rightful owners get their guns back or will they be destroyed ? Thats the real question here.
If you read he was a non violent drug dealer . So the guns,and other stuff were probably bartered for drugs,. They steal it . Go trade with him for his product. Being a non violent drug dealer ? Drugs kill . Isn’t that violent ? Just saying .