10 of the World’s Most Dangerous Animals


Source: marine.wikia.com

5.Cone Snail


This creature could probably not catch up with you even if you took a twenty-minute nap, but just a drop of its venom is enough to kill twenty men. The sad part is that there is no antivenin, therefore, in case you get stung, it’s a case of inevitable death. Some of the smaller varieties are no more dangerous than the sting of a bee or a wasp, but the complex substances in cone snail venom causes incredible pain, then swelling, numbness, tingling, and vomiting. The most severe cases trigger muscle paralysis, compromised vision and respiratory failure leading to death.

Some of these sea creatures are very dangerous, but only to people who happen to be swimming or wading nearby, but the next animals are land-based killers:

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  1. Dennis

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