Bearing false witness is one of the 10 Commandment sins that you’re never supposed to commit. Yet in politics, the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) has created an entire assembly line of lies that are pieced together carefully and packaged for the masses as if they were a shiny, new car. Like many new cars today, the outer façade may be distinctly different, but the inside parts of the motor remain exactly the same.
There are far too many instances where the FNIC supports a Leftist ideology that is just flat-out false. Not surprisingly, many of these false witness statements have been refurbished and repackaged many different times, only to reemerge in the news once again months (or even years) later as a new truth. Look at Global Warming; how many times has that old story been polished and redistributed?
On the following pages, you’ll find a list of 10 Leftist Lies that have been said over and over, ad nauseam, to the point where people who detest facts, history and research, merely take at face value and run with it.
Turn to the following page to read Leftist Lie #1!
beautiful piece. will publish tonight
Trump and his kids are taking so many vacations that the Secret Service was forced to request $60 million in additional funding for next year. $26.8 million of that would go to protecting Trump’s family just in Trump Tower alone, and $33 million would fund travel costs.
It’s estimated that everytime Trump himself takes a trip to one of his golf resorts it costs taxpayers $3 million.
Per the White House Press Pool, Trump has just arrived at the Trump National Golf Course, making it his 66th trip to a golf course as president, and his 86th day to stay at a Trump property since being inaugurated on January 20th.
Not as much as the Obamas… Trump doesn’t take a salary Obama did!
Trump donated one million to Texas hurricane relief Obama didn’t!
Trump cut all unnecessary staff at the White House Obama didn’t !
Nice try!
It’s the little Vanderbilt boy!
Obama gave 200 billion to Iran Trump didn’t!
Hmm cia trained this assclown.
Smoke more crack you FREAKING loony
Bretbart dumbass , Truth and$#%&!@*Leakage are trying to undermine or country .
That’s what’s wring! Lieslieslieslieslies
An you don’t think obummer didn’t do far worse than a vacation!!! REally