In the mid-part of 2011, while State Fair goers were departing the Wisconsin festivities, gangs of Black mobs (called Flash Mobs) began randomly attacking Whites along the streets in what were later deemed by the Fake News Industrial Complex as non-racially charged attacks. Despite the fact that reports came in hourly from police recording yet more complaints by White fair attendees that they were beaten by Black mobs, the media insisted this had nothing to do with race and, in fact, was 100% ignored by both the Eric Holder Department of Justice and Obama himself. The president made no mention of the attacks and the media dutifully failed to ask any questions of the president regarding the incident.
The Milwaukee Police Department officially listed the assaults as racially-motivated, but no arrests were ever made. Eyewitnesses to the attacks stated that anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds of Black youths were running up and down the streets, punching, beating, kicking and launching projectiles at White people, shouting racial epithets. In all, over 40 people reported personal injuries or damage to their vehicles as they attempted to flee the scene.
Turn to the next page for Iconic Leftist Protest Gone Hellishly Wrong #5!
The girl in Charlottesville who impersonated a speed bump, while attacking vehicles.
But they all want the same thing!
You going to wait until they’re trashing the Capitol Rotunda, or assailing the White House before you start putting these thugs in the ground?
Karma baby, stupid has its consequences.
They all should do this as a sign of unity.