There is a list of celebrities that are threatening to leave the country if Trump is elected, this is even causing the #nevertrump fans to hope that they leave due to his potential presidency. It seems that there is always some celeb who cries out in woe, claiming that if “fill in the blank” gets elected they will leave the country, go to Canada, flee to Mexico, get the heck out of dodge.
All I can say is good riddance! America will be a much better place without the mouthy likes of Whoopi, Sharpton and Cher!
Ten celebrities have promised to leave and I say we throw a good-bye party in their honor and show them to the “beautiful gate” in the huuuuuge wall that Trump promises to build.
On the following page, peruse the list of whiny celebrities who claim that cannot live in a Trump America.
Make them pay there taxes fires !!!!!!
Anyone see that one penguin tweeting out to trump and fox? From antarctica.. what ‘a hoot’ oh the puns heh heh
Since when is a radical Islamic activist a celebrity’s
Won’t miss any of them.
Don’t let that Border wall hit you in the a## on the way out.
That’s the most tempting offer yet, but, I’m a Cruz man and still not willing to settle for a man who cheats on his wife, has no respect for women, supports p/p, refusing to reveal his past tax forms, who has stomped on the little guy to get his way, who has filed bankruptsy 4 times, has made a lot of bad bussiness deals, who lies, who’s as trustworthy as obama…etc., etc. No thanks anyway, I’ll pass.
Please do!
Hope they hold true to their word, and maybe if we’re lucky they’ll take some of their followers with them!
Those three are reason enough to vote for Don Trump.