The Voters Trust, a politital non profit seeking to activate conservative American voters, is offering a $1 million bounty to try to uncover and convict members of the Obama admin involved in the IRS targeting of conservative groups.
To qualify for the bounty, one must provide “relevant evidence including emails, eye-witness accounts, or testimony of political targeting of Americans by the IRS or the Obama administration that has not previously been reported,” according to the official press release.
The evidence must lead directly to the arrest and conviction those responsible. All information provided will remain anonymous and confidential.
The financing of the bounty will be done by crowdsourcing.
Their official website is at
inboxme and contact….
sometimes I think they targeted individuals to
Like meeting with the pres for orders, 159 times during this time.
bury the bastards
hope someone collects !!
On with it.
This may coax someone to talk! Someone, probably several know the truth and have been silenced.
Evil has no morals.
Nice gesture, BUT Obama and his cronies will never let any evidence be found