Political correctness will be the death of it all. Why does America have to bend over in submission to anyone or anything? Well, it doesn’t, but the powers that be with their socialist agenda needs American strength to warp under the banner of political correctness to accomplish their ends.
When has a Muslim country or its people every accommodated America or its citizens? Ummm, nothing comes to the mind but examples of the exact opposite.
We now have an incident where a U.S. embassy changed one of America’s most treasured of national celebrations in order to show respect for the Muslim month of Ramadhan.
Muslims are the scum of the earth. They have been since the birth of the Devil prophet Muhammad slithered out of his cave, and they will be until they are put down. They have been put down three times in history. NOW it is time again to rid the earth of this vermin.
This is a non-event. In other countries, sure, we should be respectful of their customs/origins/etc. This is another example of the media trying to make a muutbaub out of a molehill. If this were in America, there should and would be outrage. However, when we are an occupying country, we should ALWAYS rise to the occasion and be the bigger person. Don’t ever assume that we know what’s best for EVERYONE. Let’s take care of what we do control before we try to control others.
Moderator please change to mountain.
The 4 th of July is special to americans, it is not fair to take it away. If the muslims don’t like it they can go back to where they came from to spend their day.