The Washington Free Beacon has broken the story that the very first results have come back to the Trump Elections Fraud Commission which the president initiated with an Executive Order a few weeks ago. Initially billed as an attempt to ferret out election fraud and voter suppression by the Leftist press, it has expanded to much more than just recent Progressive pet projects like voter intimidation.
Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State, and Vice President Mike Pence head this commission and began by running the interstate voter registration crosscheck program which is designed to find duplicate voters in multiple states. Interestingly, there are 31 Republican, 18 Democrat and 1 Independent Governorships in the U.S. right now, but only 28 states participate in this interstate crosscheck program. Just wondering how many of those 28 are Democrat…
The statistics that have returned are troubling.
More than 7 million voter registrations appear to be registered in two states simultaneously, according to data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The new voter data was gathered from the Kansas-run interstate voter registration crosscheck program, which is used to identify “possible duplicate registrations among states.”
The program began in December 2005 and conducted its first crosscheck in 2006. It is administered by the office of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who was tapped recently to help lead President Trump’s voter fraud commission.
The newest data is from crosschecks of voter registrations across 28 states that participate in the program. At least 7.2 million registrations appeared in two states at once, according to the data.
Georgia (660,708), North Carolina (561,811), and Illinois (542,065) lead the 28 states studied in potential duplicated voter registrations across state lines.
The study shows that more than 916,000 people appear to be registered multiple times within their state of residence. North Carolina accounts for 90 percent of potential intrastate duplicates.
Nearly 68,000 registered voters across the 28 states had “invalid” dates of birth, a category that include missing, incomplete, or placeholder birth dates, which can reflect older records before dates of birth were kept on file.
The program also found 32,000 registered voters who appeared to have invalid Social Security Numbers tied to their voter records, which can result either from clerical mistakes or fraud.
The findings for this commission will be collated this summer and presented in 2018, at which time, hopefully, the other 19 states will be taking part. I suspect there will be push-back on this commission being that they’re possibly on track to exposing the Democrat Party and its massive wholesale fraud. It’s also possible that riots will take place to stop this commission. Then the Leftists will be “judge shopping” to ensure that the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals will be ruling this commission “unconstitutional.”
Mark my words, it’s going to be fun watching the fireworks as the Libs lose their minds over this expose.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
I remember seeing a news article about a black teenager showing voter registrations from 13 CHICAGO VOTING DISTRICTS telling the reporter he voted at all 13 polling places for Obama & was proud of his mutable votes! Chicago MUST BE CHECKED & TRIPLE CHECKED FOR VOTER FRAUD!
Keep up the good work, you continue to straighten out the mess others have left. God Bless You, your a good. hard working man.
The dems will do anything and everything to win an election. Their candidates suck and they know neither can beat Trump. And their actions prove they know the aforementioned.
Voter ID will fix this
I believe that it needs to get straightened out!!!
Election 2020
Here goes our election system. A foreign nation created an event to push for mail in voting which is more susceptible to fraud.
President Trump should demand all mail-in ballots be saved by each state now by E.O. for fraudulent vote recount & should disallow any States votes that fail to do so.
Yes it will get challenged & end up on the Supreme Courts steps. That’s why President Trump needs to demand it now.
We are fighting an enemy who is Worldwide folks. This is a product of the NWO (New World Order) supported by the World Banking Consortium, make no mistake.
The NWO is in fact a totalitarian ruling body not much different than the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) & the totalitarian political ideology of Islam ☪️.
For years now the NWO working through the WHO, the World Health Organization have been requiring westernized nations to take in Muslims under the auspices of refugee resettlement.
We have been in an ideological war for decades that no one has been paying attention too.
Wake up “fellow Patriots”, the midnight hour of no return is quickly approaching.
The election ddystem needs to be scrutinized and revamped!!
Please make it a law to make it mandatory to show ID when voting at the polls!!!! We can not have illegal aliens voting in our elections.
Only US citizens.
Washington state is another one that needs to be looked at, VERY CLOSELY. PLEASE!
The federal government should be in charge of federal elections from beginning to end. They should not be entrusted to state and local governments to implement and supervise.