In his latest gradational move to establish the executive branch as the sole governmental authority over our country, Obama has made it clear that Congress will have no voice to approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal his administration has been working on.
Instead, our President will give the U.N. Security Council the power to yea or nea the authorization to give Iran the capability to build a nuclear bomb.
This highly treasonous move to supplant our legislative branch with the U.N. is yet another major step on America’s path to totalitarianism as led by the Obama regime.
No, Ken…I do not support the UN! Trying to figure what I said to give that impression. I don’t even want them headquartered in NewYork City, and certainly do NOT want their blue helmets in our streets! I am an AirForce Veteran and an ex police officer. Sorry if I said something unintended.
I’ve been telling you all along; — Obama will find a reason to Declare MARSHALL LAW, Mark my words: “HE AIN’T GOING NOWHERE”. Just sit back and watch. He has everything ready, all he needs is “HIS PEN & HIS PHONE”. 3:)
throw Obama’s out, it will only get worse from here
We need to get the UN out of the US.
My entire post is a bit long….So I may have to post it in sections!
People, we have tried to warn you all of the NEW WORLD ORDER and it’s agenda for years. But, have been laughed and scoffed at, that we are just conspiracy theorists and that the NWO doesn’t exist. Yet, many of the past presidents, and authority figures, have eluded to them over the past 20+ years. I am glad to see that Americans, and other citizens of the world, are beginning to wake up and see ever more clearly that they ARE REAL AND HAVE AN AGENDA. That agenda is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, AND THE ‘UN’ IS THAT GOVERNMENT! They want a one world religion and a one world bank too. As for our government, they’re on board with this. They all bicker and point fingers at one another, putting on a show for the citizens, distracting us from what is being done in secrecy. Our government has sold America out. Why do you think our Congress hasn’t casted a vote of ‘No Confidence’ on Obama?? Or tried to impeach him? Congress and SCOTUS have claimed that he hasn’t done anything wrong, nor has he broken Constitutional Law, that would allow him to be impeached. Look at SCOTUS’ rulings of late. They clearly are not following Constitutional Law! They’ve usurped State’s rights, as they are granted in the Constitution. They are NOT listening to the citizen’s wishes and governing accordingly. Those in power, government or otherwise, are pulling the strings and control media.
Second post….
Those that have opposed this NWO takeover have either died in mysterious so called accidents/illnesses, or have been replaced with ‘YES’ people. Our whole structure of government has been corrupted. Ask yourselves why does our government, Congress included, feels that there’s a need for secrecy in this TPP Treaty? They say it’s because it’s a matter OF NATIONAL SECURITY!! What?…..National Security? How can a treaty that is supposed to be good for the people and America be a national security threat? Or are they using that excuse, and getting away with it I might add, as a cover-up to keep the American people in the dark about how it is going to actually destroy America’s economy and jobs? Our congress has seen what’s in it so far. Some have tried to get it’s contents publicized, because it’s going to destroy jobs….It will allow American and international corporations to IMPORT foreign workers, with job permits!! Just like what Disney, and a few others, have already began doing. There’s also a part about how foreign entities can sue the USA if we don’t give them full access to our markets, hindering their ability to make a FUTURE PROFIT! That means that they don’t have to suffer the loss, to sue. They just need to show that FUTURE (yet to be realized) profit loss will occur, if we don’t give them full access to our markets. The other kicker to this …..But, American businesses can’t sue foreign entities/governments, if they do the same!!!! It gets even worse, as more is coming to light!
With our congress and government knowing just these parts alone and yet they still gave him fast-track authority over this and any other treaty! They can only vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on them. They CANNOT CHANGE THEIR CONTENT!! Seeing how they’ve voted of late.…Especially the ACA Health Law… to pass it to see what’s in it!!! How do you think they’ll handle our future? Do you realize that if ‘Martial Law’ is enacted, by the POTUS, our Constitution can be nullified? During nullification time, the POTUS is in total control and actually could rule it out of our nation COMPLETELY..….FOREVER!!!!!! Now, ask yourselves WHY has Obama been using so much Executive Order Authority and changing our ‘CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT’ LAWS SO MUCH, since he’s been in office? Could it be that he is only strengthening America’s citizen’s protections, because the old ones don’t apply any more to the new world objectives anymore.…As he claims??? That he truly is only trying to protect the American people? How about his 2008 presidential platform by-line: It’s time for change! I promise the American people that I will do everything within my power to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA!!!!! What’s up with him addressing the AMERICAN PEOPLE, quoting passages of the Quran (Koran?) in ARABIC LANGUAGE??? What percentage of the American people do you think speaks Arabic? Not many, except Muslims! Why did he call ISIS a JV team, when our military experts were telling him that they were a major threat? Now, why is he stalling to put force against them? OH THERE IS SO MUCH MORE, that the American people aren’t understanding. Nor do they see the underlying deceitful things this man has in store for America! Just like JADE HELM 15 military deployment/exercise coming up in less than two weeks. It is to last for 2 MONTHS!! I remember his speech about how America needs a ‘CIVILLIAN DEFENSE FORCE’. A civilian militia, that is just as big, just as well funded, and just as strong, as our National Forces! Or how about his address to the people about immigration?