This is so beyond sick I have no words!
It would seem to be the first step in tolerating the sodomizing of our children!
It’s not pedophilia anymore, it’s being a ‘minor-attracted person’.
People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality.
APA’s decision has given rise to numerous pedophilia-advocacy groups, the chief of them being B4U-ACT, a non-profit grassroots organization based in Maryland. Created in 2003 primarily as a means for “minor-attracted persons” to be open about their sexual preferences in a supportive atmosphere, B4U-ACT is now widening the scope of their organization.
According to spokesperson and registered sex offender Paul Christiano, the pedophilia-advocacy group is “working towards de-stigmatizing the mental health community.” Christiano explained that negative societal attitudes towards minor-attracted persons “trickle down to policy-making and the mental health community.”
“Policy-making” is used chiefly in reference to the sex-offender registry. Christiano is not alone in advocating change within the system. Caitlin Myers, a doctorate student in Sociology here at the University of Southern California, says the registry needs to be “more senstitive to the nature of crime.” Myers explained that the chief problem within the sex-offender registry itself is the “one size fits all” viewpoint it bears towards sexual offenses. “There could be a man who committed 20 consecutive rapes and a 19-year-old boy who had sex with his 17-year-old girlfriend and they would be punished in the same manner.”
Change to the system is understandable, yet B4U-ACT’s grounds for such change remains murky. When questioned about the most responsible way in which a pedophile could manage his sexual preferences, Christiano answered that while B4U-ACT encouraged minor-attracted persons within the organization to openly acknowledge their feelings and desires, such sexual preferences must remain purely a mental exercise and therefore entirely unconsummated. In other words, pedophiles must be allowed to fantasize about minors, as long as such acts are never consummated.
just because children have a sort of sesuality that can be misconstured as sexuality does not mean that adults should take advantage of it…furthermore children are not sexually developed or truly sexually compelled in or with thier bodies or thier urges, especially for sexual pleasure and/or intercourse towards hairy smelly viral tainted mold farm adult bodies for a reason,,and this should naturally be observed, respected and be a natural deterent to an adult to not degrade or hurt a childs body or sexual development and “unadulterated” need to be held and to touch (this word has the word” adult” with an “un” in front of it for a reason)…do you want some crusty, jaded, ill adult with a tapeworm and/or a disease process or two, using your inocent child and possibly seriously physically hurting your child and thus ruining thier abiltiy to develope thier sexuallity for thier own enjoyment as fully bloomed sexual beings: just so that the traumatized unconcious, unconnected adult can get thier rocks off? I doubt it,,,and if you do, then you aught to turn yourself in and get to the bottom of the urge…there is nothing loving and caring about an adult taking advantage of the innocent blooming childish need for physical affection that just isn’t really or fully or even close to fully “sexual” just yet…I do not hate people with urges that can and do seriously injure children physically and emotionally, however I do hold that they are missing true connection and have misconstrued love, caring and what children really are after and what they need to develope thier sexual autonomy for their own and not for others pleasures–and then there are the super twisters who want to hurt and mutilate children of whom aught to be kept away from children at all costs…when children discover thier pleasure centers they do want to touch them naturally, and they can be inclined to ask thier caregivers to touch them too but that doesn’t mean we should at all…some of our children asked as they developed and dicovered thier pleasure centers, and we just said ‘thats for your pleasure not ours or any other grown ups’…this way they were not shamed as there is no shame in them for developing of course and they learned boundaries…I can think of not one reason to let any adult use a child for thier adult sexual needs or any adult needs for that matter…there is no way that a child “is” or “is not”: that justifies an adult using that child for his or her pleasure period in any way shape or fashion…a natural, healthy, safe and concious adult observes children in all thier developmental stages, connects with thier own inner child as needed or wanted, and innately knows not too touch the child sexually or harmfully…full fledged health adults also just inherently know not to let a child touch thier sexually organs or engage in any sensuality that could be misconstrued by themselves, the child or any on-looker…we just heartfully know and feel this natural law that comes from within a fully developed and healthy adult…pedophilia in history does not make it good for the child,,,it most likely did not back then and is proven harmful today…just because people have trauma and blocks where they can not see what is most vital for developing childrens health and sexual health does not justify them endangering children by using children for thier own sexual urges…we all have disconnect in areas…I do not think I am better than anyone else, however some peoples hangups are frankly more dangerous than others and no pedophile will ever convince most parents to let thier children be used for pedophilia…it will not happen because it is harmful to children, and most parents have a primal urge to not let an adult unhealthily touch, harm, penitrate or whatever thier children ever…no way!
If you think children have any type of sensuality then your a f**k pedo too. F**k you.
Pedophilia is not a mental illness. It’s a CRIME. It’s ABUSE. Gay people are different from pedophiles. A man who loves man love each other but a adult who loves a child doesn’t”love it”.They just want to abuse the child Pedophilia is not a sexuality,gay is.
FATHER GOD, PLEASE PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!!! It’s been my experience, that people who profess alternative lifestyles, have usually been abused in some way, sexually, as children, themselves. This tells me that we aren’t doing a good enough job protecting our children. Not that we should continually update the ISDN to make perversion more socially acceptable .
WE MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!!! Please, do everything you can to protect the children in your personal sphere of influence.
Being Gay opened the doors for today’s perversion and PC correct does not allow people to call out the perversion. PC correct and the perversion both need to go. Odds are its now being taught in school.
I’m so sick over this. I knew it would come to this. Our poor babies
Being a pedo is not illegal, nor proof of ill intent. That’s like saying every man is a rapist who will potentially abuse a woman. If you don’t believe in pedophilia, then don’t support it. Don’t blindly make accusations and promote hate. If you really want to fight for what’s right, don’t attack a social group online. Form a group and join a war on drugs, sex slavery and pimped out prostitutes, animal abuse, all of which is probably a 5min drive from your house
Declassifying pedophilia as a mental illness does not legalize sexual abuse. It was illegal for a man to sexually abuse a man when the DSM said homosexuality was a mental illness and it’s still illegal now that homosexuality is declassified. Only consensual sex was decriminalized. Likewise, sexually abusing children is, will, and obviously should remain illegal while pedophilia is no longer classified a mental illness. Talk to maps and you’ll see that virtually all of them vehemently oppose sexual abuse. Granted, some maps support age of consent law which abuses youth through the criminalization of their consent, but I think those maps feel pressured into believing in age of consent because that is the dominant narrative in broader society. Most maps literally fall in love with children so why would they want them to be abused by themselves or others? Do you want to abuse the people you’re attracted to?