Korean war veteran Robert Willits and his wife Judy are battling their homeowners association who insist that they remove the American and MIA flag flying in their yard.
The couple moved to the Fieldstone neighborhood in Greenfield, IN at the end of last year and installed the flagpole over the summer.
Now their HOA demands that they remove the flags or pay $500 fine for legal fees.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
The economy is about to fail drastcally again because there is no substance to it, no manufacturing, the middle class has lost more ground under Obama than any president ever.
20+ million americans have simply stopped looking for work
How can we help fight this silly thing?
HOA is guilty of Treason!
I will forever be grateful for the service of this gentleman and his brother. However, he moved into a community with a HOA that are known to have rules and regulations. If one does NOT want to deal with a HOA, live elsewhere. I’m sure he was made aware of the “rules” before purchasing.
I highly doubt the man moved into a place knowing they were anti American!!!!
Keep the flags, get rid of the HOA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Flag Stays……HOA should go away…bunch of AS* HO*LES………
LEAVE him alone your able to be free because of this man…