Gingrich: GOP Hates Trump Because He Never Joined ‘The Secret Society’

While discussing Mitt Romney’s anti-Trump speech with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says, because Trump does not belong to a secret society, and isn’t involved in any of the rituals performed by such groups that the establishment has begun to panic, and that Trump’s possibility of becoming the Republican nominee is absolutely driving them crazy.

Infowars reports further:

When asked why, Gingrich responded, “Well because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites, he didn’t belong to the secret society.”

Gingrich is in a perfect position to know about “secret societies” given his affiliation with Bohemian Grove, an annual encampment that takes place every year in Monte Rio, California and is attended by some of the most powerful people in the world.

The former Speaker of the House could also be referring to Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale which counts amongst its members both George W. and John Kerry, who ran against each other in the 2004 presidential election.
Skull and Bones is notorious for its initiation rituals, which according to some include masturbating in a coffin. In 2001, journalist Ron Rosenbaum became the first outsider to witness some of the rituals. Video footage of the ceremony shows ‘Bonesmen’ screaming while they kiss a skull and perform a mock murder.




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