The screenwriter for a movie about the totalitarian takeover of our nation, 29-year old Army veteran David Crowley, along with his wife and 5-year-old daughter were found dead this past Sunday morning in their Minnesota home in an apparent murder-suicide.
The film, which has yet to be finished, was called Gray State and featured controversial topics such as FEMA camps, martial law and RFID chips.
Here’s one story the mainstream media would want you to forget…
Currently looking at the case is the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office are the Apple Valley Police Department with the investigation.
Investigators have confirmed that they are treating the deaths as ‘suspicious’.
Lies..cant tell the truth.
Read the book Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper. Bill Cooper talks all about this and more. Book came out in 90’s and they really tried suppress this book from public. Eye opener book.
The Elites won’t let you out them
Stop posting ancient history. New updates or just$#%&!@*off.
Clinton’s ??
They new too much , but because of them we know so much more. Ovomit was/ is OUR domestic traitor !!!! Why is he NOT charged and in jail awaiting a speedy trial . ????? AND most of this crime spree administration of theives. Who by the way are now all millionaires, with our hard earned tax dollars..Congress you still working ??? For us I mean, I see what your doing for THEM, nothing. !! No indictments with all that’s out there. Disgusting .Why are we paying YOU. ???