The federal government is once against overstepping its bounds in the realm of personal privacy. With several government agencies already monitoring our phone calls, Internet searches and whereabouts through various methods, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now storing information used for background checks. This means that when you apply for a job, the information used to run your background check will be kept in a database used for criminal purposes. And it doesn’t the stop there.
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Scarey c**p!
Will they have to have something of yours too but with all that information with the rest of them have stolen don’t you understand this is a collective of an agenda from a bunch of people so we have all your information now I need to put a face to it fingerprints blood type whatever we can get to complete your file biometrics that way they can run their system and know where you are at all times
Big Brother is watching. Just like Stalin and$#%&!@*
oooooooooooooh !! bio-metric… that sounds like another multi-trillion dollar scam that missed the toilet and landed on the floor of congress. I hope it’s not affected by global warming.
Bite Me!