Instead of dumping your used oil, why not use it for heating? You can burn all types of oil – gear, vegetable, engine, hydraulic, transmission, biodiesel, etc.
This heater/stove can be built easily with spare parts and provide you with heat without cost.
Seams like a good way to burn the garage down!
I ve been adding the the GW theory for years burning al my oils
EPA can go suck the big one
Think it is awesome
Funny…. the one in the picture is made of plastic , I know , cause I have the exact same one…. it is only an electric heater , made in China !!!
Old engine or gear old gives off toxic gasses when burned. Not a good idea.
need air con now
And die from carbon monoxide poisoning ! !
Holland, MI, heats waste oil and pipes it under their sidewalks to prevent snow and ice from accumulating. Best use for it I know.