The bombshell speech given by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner at the UN was not widely aired.
The Argentine President stated that a former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction under Obama secretly inquired if Argentina would supply Iran with nuclear fuel. This all ties into the nuclear deal Iran finally won from the US with total UN blessing.
U.S. media mostly ignored this. It made Obama look like what he is: a traitor and a liar. At this point, he things he has gotten away with it and that it won’t come back to bite him later. While he may not face prison, he certainly has set his legacy as the worst and most destructive and dangerous president this nation has seen.
Well, this is big news…why keep it secret?
What reasons would Obama risk the US being caught brokering a nuclear fuel deal for Iran? Move to the second page:
This entire administration is working “overtime” to hasten our complete destruction; the end of our nation as we know it!
The free loaders are happy w/ socialism/communism, more government control & will vote for ultra liberals so they can continue to feed off the hard working taxpayers ! This makes me sick of all the career politicians . They all must be voted or drummed out of office. Some need to be tried for treason too, esp those that have aided the enemies of the USA.
Washingtonians are deaf and blind. They see no evil.
If anything is going yo happen, it is up to We The People!!
So true, now if they just vote for him, maybe we’ll have some progress.
so then the us managed a coup against Cristina Fernandex de Kirchner and now argentina is a mess.
America Trump Train Is Back On Track With A Full Head Of Steam Heading For The White House On November 8th!
With A Strong Republican Leader In Donald J. Trump Who Strongly Supported & Endoresed Paul Ryan, John McCain & Kelly Ayotte He Calls For The Party & American People To Unite To Beat Queen Of Coruption. He Said We Must To Preserve Our Rights, Hillary Wants To Appoint Supreme Court & Other Federal Judges That Will Take Away Our 2nd Admendment Rights & So Many Others. Lets Give Donald The Same Chance Obama Had The First 4 Years In Office With A Repubican President Majority In The House & Senate So Together We Can Make A Real Change In America To Create New Jobs, Bring Back Our Companys That Fled In The Past 8 Years, To Reduce Our National Dept. To Grow Our GDP, To Secure Our Boarders, Temp. Ban On Refuges Until We Can Vent Them Properly, Deport Illegal Aliens, No To Amnesty.
Wouldn’t It Be Great For America To Be Freinds With Russia & Together Lead A Coalition Of Other Ally Countries To Exterminate ISIS Which Would Make The World Safer.
Trump/Pence Can & Will Make America Safe, Sane, Propoures & Great Once Again!!!
Also if Israel attackes iran we protect iran from Israel that part of the treaty
Barry , Kerry, Hillary are all traitors and must be arrested.