The U.S. Army has built a 300 acre ‘fake city’ in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios, and it looks a bit too ‘American’ to make one feel comfortable.
It’s complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, an underground subway and American street signs.
As our government continues to do things like strip us of our Constitutional rights, spy on us, suppress political opponents with with the IRS
The site took two years to complete and cost tax payers $96 million.
Interesting VERY. ..
Don’t make sence
Waste of good money that could have been spent on repairing roads and streets….
Makes sence to me if your not paying attention Obama is planning to rile up the US citizens and have a rebellion here and he wants to know if his Militia is going to be able to kill Americans he does have a special mercenary force to do it while he is wiping us out his half brother Malik is going for Israel read
Anyone who says shame on the army or the army troops are traitors is an idiot. Being ordered to build a city regardless of what it looks like is NOT an unlawful order. Anyone who thinks that the military would fire on troops is retarded. Every military member in the US forces took an oath to Uphold The constitution Against Enemies Both foreign and domestic. No unlawful order to fire on us citizens has been given. Not much we can do till then. Don’t be ignorant and disrespect the people who have taken oaths to protect you and your rights.
You’re an idiot.
The sky is falling Chicken Little