“Sharia law is a very serious threat in America. We are being invaded by a group of people who see it as their absolute imperative to establish a legal system in America which will in fact destroy our Constitution and be replaced with this thing called Sharia law,” states retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin.
Boykin has declared that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government at the highest levels in the Pentagon, DHS, both Republican and Democratic parties, and virtually all prominent branches of US government.
This has been their goal since and before 9/11. They knew they could not take us through military actions so they brought in their Trojan Horse sort of speak in Obama to infiltrate us from with in. Their #1 goal was and is to take over the free worlds, to sit in the seat of the Buckingham Palace and to take over our country as well. They have infiltrated the Catholic religion with a Pope who has signed into a treaty with the Iranian Govt to start enacting a one world religion regime, do you honestly think that would be the Catholic Religion? Truth is we are looking at the last days as we know it, the rapture is coming, do not doubt this, pick up those dusty Bibles at home and just read the books of Revelations, get ready, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride from now on until our Lord Jesus makes his presence known!
Kill them all that’s what they plan on doing to us